単語 | 意味 | 用例 |
abandon | 放棄する、諦める | She decided to abandon the project halfway. |
ability | 能力、才能 | He has the ability to solve difficult problems. |
abolish | 廃止する | The company decided to abolish the outdated rule. |
abundant | 豊富な、十分な | There is an abundant supply of resources. |
accelerate | 加速する、促進する | The car began to accelerate on the highway. |
accommodate | 収容する、適応する、便宜を図る | The hotel can accommodate up to 500 guests. |
accomplish | 成し遂げる、達成する | She accomplished all her goals last year. |
account | 口座、説明、理由、考慮する | Please create a new account for the user. |
accurate | 正確な | The report is accurate and detailed. |
accustomed | 慣れている、いつもの | He is accustomed to working late at night. |
acknowledge | 認める、承認する、感謝する | We acknowledge your hard work and efforts. |
acquire | 手に入れる、習得する | The company will acquire a new business. |
adapt | 適応する、順応する | We must adapt to the changes in the market. |
additionally | その上、さらに | Additionally, there will be a bonus for the team. |
adequate | 十分な、適切な | The funds provided are adequate for the project. |
adjust | 調整する、順応する | You need to adjust the settings on the device. |
administration | 管理、経営、行政 | The administration team handled the issue effectively. |
admission | 入場、入学、承認 | Admission to the event requires a ticket. |
advance | 前進、進歩、事前の | Technology has made significant advances. |
advantage | 利点、有利 | This strategy gives us a competitive advantage. |
advisable | 賢明な、適切な | It is advisable to arrive early for the interview. |
advocate | 提唱する、支持者 | She is an advocate for environmental protection. |
affect | 影響を与える | The new policy will affect our operations. |
affordable | 手頃な価格の | This product is affordable for most customers. |
aggregate | 合計、集計、総計 | The aggregate sales exceeded expectations. |
agreement | 契約、合意 | Both parties signed the agreement yesterday. |
allocate | 割り当てる、配分する | Funds will be allocated to improve infrastructure. |
allow | 許可する、可能にする | The new system allows users to access data faster. |
alternative | 代替の、別の | You have an alternative option to choose from. |
ambition | 野心、目標 | Her ambition is to become a manager. |
amend | 修正する、改正する | The company decided to amend its policies. |
analysis | 分析 | The analysis shows positive trends in sales. |
announce | 発表する、知らせる | The company will announce its new product next week. |
annual | 年間の、年一回の | The annual meeting will be held in December. |
anticipate | 予想する、期待する | We anticipate higher demand this season. |
apparent | 明白な、見かけ上の | It became apparent that the deal was beneficial. |
appeal | 魅力、訴え、要請 | The design appeals to a younger audience. |
applicable | 適用できる、該当する | These rules are not applicable in this case. |
appoint | 任命する、指名する | She was appointed as the new CEO. |
appreciate | 感謝する、評価する、理解する | We appreciate your cooperation and support. |
approach | 接近する、取り組む、方法 | This approach will help us resolve the issue. |
appropriate | 適切な、ふさわしい | This tool is appropriate for the task. |
approve | 承認する、賛成する | The manager approved the budget proposal. |
approximate | おおよその、概算の | The approximate cost is $1,000. |
arise | 生じる、発生する | Problems may arise during the project. |
arrange | 手配する、整える | I will arrange the meeting for tomorrow. |
assemble | 組み立てる、集める | The team will assemble in the conference room. |
assess | 評価する、査定する | The manager needs to assess employee performance. |
assign | 割り当てる、任命する | She was assigned a new task this morning. |
assist | 手伝う、支援する | He assisted her with the presentation. |
assume | 仮定する、引き受ける、想定する | I assume the meeting will start at 3 p.m. |
assure | 保証する、安心させる | I assure you that the delivery will be on time. |
attach | 添付する、取り付ける | Please attach the document to the email. |
attain | 達成する、到達する | He attained his goal of becoming a manager. |
attend | 出席する、世話をする | She will attend the training session. |
attract | 引きつける、魅了する | The new product is attracting many customers. |
attribute | ~のせいにする、特質 | She attributes her success to hard work. |
authorize | 許可する、認可する | The manager authorized the purchase. |
available | 利用可能な、手に入る | This product is available online. |
average | 平均、平均の | The average score was 85 points. |
avoid | 避ける、回避する | You should avoid unnecessary expenses. |
単語 | 意味 | 用例 |
balance | 残高、均衡、バランス | The balance in your account is $1,000. |
bankruptcy | 破産、倒産 | The company filed for bankruptcy. |
barely | かろうじて、ほとんど~ない | He barely finished the report on time. |
bargain | お買い得品、交渉 | This dress is a bargain at this price. |
base | 基礎、土台、~に基づく | The report is based on recent data. |
beneficial | 有益な、役に立つ | The new policy is beneficial to employees. |
benefit | 利益、恩恵、利益を得る | The new system benefits the entire team. |
bid | 入札、値をつける | The company placed a high bid for the contract. |
bill | 請求書、法案 | I received the utility bill yesterday. |
biweekly | 隔週の、2週間ごとの | The team holds biweekly meetings. |
board | 取締役会、板、搭乗する | The board of directors approved the project. |
boost | 増加、押し上げる、強化する | The new strategy boosted the company's revenue. |
boundary | 境界、限界 | The property boundaries are clearly defined. |
branch | 支店、枝、分野 | He works at the branch office in New York. |
brand | ブランド、商標、銘柄 | Nike is a globally recognized brand. |
breach | 違反、破る | The company was penalized for a security breach. |
brief | 短い、要約、簡潔な | She gave a brief summary of the project. |
budget | 予算、予算を立てる | The team must work within a limited budget. |
bulk | 大量、かさ、大部分 | Buying in bulk is more cost-effective. |
burden | 負担、重荷 | Rising costs are a burden on small businesses. |
bureaucracy | 官僚制度、官僚主義 | Bureaucracy often slows down decision-making. |
business | 事業、業務、商売 | He started his own business last year. |
bypass | 回避する、迂回する | The project bypassed the usual approval process. |
単語 | 意味 | 用例 |
calculate | 計算する、見積もる | Please calculate the total cost for the project. |
capacity | 収容能力、能力、容量 | The conference room has a seating capacity of 100. |
capture | 捕らえる、獲得する、引きつける | The campaign captured the attention of many customers. |
careful | 注意深い、慎重な | Be careful when handling sensitive documents. |
career | 職業、経歴 | He is pursuing a career in finance. |
cargo | 貨物、積み荷 | The cargo ship arrived at the port yesterday. |
case | 事例、場合、ケース | In this case, we need to find another solution. |
cash | 現金、換金する | Payment must be made in cash. |
casual | 何気ない、カジュアルな、臨時の | The office has a casual dress code. |
category | カテゴリー、分類 | Products are organized into different categories. |
cause | 原因、引き起こす | The delay was caused by technical issues. |
caution | 注意、警告 | Proceed with caution during the installation. |
cease | 中止する、やめる | The company decided to cease production of the product. |
celebrate | 祝う、称賛する | They will celebrate their 10th anniversary next month. |
certificate | 証明書、免許 | You need to provide a birth certificate for verification. |
challenge | 難題、挑戦、挑む | This project is a big challenge for our team. |
change | 変更、変化、変える | We need to adapt to the changing market trends. |
charge | 請求する、料金、責任、充電する | A fee will be charged for late payments. |
chart | 図表、グラフ | The results are summarized in the chart below. |
check | 確認する、点検する | Did you check the report for errors? |
circumstance | 状況、事情 | We cannot control unforeseen circumstances. |
claim | 主張する、要求する、請求 | The customer claimed a refund for the damaged product. |
clarify | 明確にする、はっきりさせる | Could you clarify the details of this agreement? |
classify | 分類する、等級分けする | The documents are classified as confidential. |
client | 顧客、クライアント | Our main clients are international companies. |
close | 近い、閉じる、終了する | The store closes at 8 p.m. every day. |
collaborate | 協力する、共同作業をする | The two teams will collaborate on the new project. |
collect | 集める、回収する | Data is collected from multiple sources. |
combine | 結合する、組み合わせる | We combined the two departments to improve efficiency. |
comfort | 快適さ、慰め、安心させる | The new chairs add comfort to the workspace. |
command | 命令する、指揮、操る | He commands great respect from his team. |
commence | 開始する、始まる | The project will commence next Monday. |
commit | 専念する、約束する、犯す | She is committed to achieving her goals. |
commodity | 商品、日用品、必需品 | Oil is a valuable global commodity. |
communicate | 伝える、連絡する | Teams must communicate effectively to succeed. |
compensate | 補償する、埋め合わせをする | The company will compensate for any losses. |
complain | 不満を言う、苦情を申し立てる | Several customers complained about the delay. |
complete | 完了する、完成する、完全な | Please complete the form before submission. |
compliance | 遵守、従うこと | All processes must be in compliance with company policies. |
complicated | 複雑な | The instructions were too complicated to understand. |
component | 部品、構成要素 | This device has several important components. |
comprehensive | 包括的な、広範な | The report provides a comprehensive analysis of sales. |
confirm | 確認する、確証する | I will confirm your reservation by email. |
consequence | 結果、影響 | The consequences of the decision were severe. |
consider | 考慮する、検討する | We need to consider all possible solutions. |
consistent | 一貫した、矛盾しない | Her performance has been consistent throughout the year. |
consult | 相談する、参照する | Please consult your manager for further details. |
consumer | 消費者、顧客 | Consumers are demanding higher quality products. |
contain | 含む、収容する、抑える | The package contains three different tools. |
contract | 契約、契約する、縮小する | The company signed a new contract with its supplier. |
contribute | 貢献する、寄付する、提供する | He contributed valuable ideas to the meeting. |
convenient | 便利な、都合が良い | Online banking is very convenient for users. |
convert | 変換する、転換する | The file was converted into PDF format. |
coordinate | 調整する、組織する | She will coordinate the schedule for the event. |
単語 | 意味 | 用例 |
damage | 損害、被害、損なう | The product was damaged during shipment. |
data | データ、資料 | The team analyzed the survey data carefully. |
deadline | 締め切り、期日 | The project deadline is next Friday. |
deal | 取引、扱う、対処する | They closed a major deal with a new client. |
debate | 討論、議論、討論する | The topic was debated at length during the meeting. |
debt | 借金、負債 | The company is struggling with large debts. |
decade | 10年間、10年 | Over the past decade, the industry has grown significantly. |
decide | 決定する、決める | They decided to expand the business overseas. |
decision | 決定、決断 | The final decision will be made by the manager. |
declare | 宣言する、申告する | Travelers must declare all taxable goods. |
decline | 減少、断る、低下する | Sales have declined over the last quarter. |
dedicate | 専念する、捧げる | She dedicated herself to the success of the project. |
defect | 欠陥、不良 | The product was recalled due to a manufacturing defect. |
deficit | 赤字、不足 | The company is facing a large budget deficit. |
define | 定義する、明確にする | Can you define the objectives of this project? |
definitely | 絶対に、確実に | The meeting will definitely start on time. |
delay | 遅れ、遅延、延期する | The flight was delayed due to bad weather. |
delegate | 代表者、委任する | The manager delegated tasks to the team members. |
deliver | 配達する、提供する、実行する | We guarantee to deliver the package tomorrow. |
demand | 需要、要求する、必要とする | There is a high demand for skilled workers. |
demonstrate | 示す、実演する、証明する | The new product was demonstrated at the trade show. |
department | 部門、学科 | He works in the sales department. |
depend | 依存する、~次第である | The project's success depends on our teamwork. |
deposit | 預金、頭金、預ける | A deposit is required to confirm your reservation. |
describe | 説明する、描写する | Can you describe the features of this software? |
design | 設計する、デザイン、計画 | The team is working on the new website design. |
desire | 欲求、望む | She has a strong desire to succeed. |
desk | 机、デスク | There is a computer on my desk. |
despite | ~にもかかわらず | Despite the challenges, the project was completed on time. |
detail | 詳細、詳細に述べる | Please provide the details of the schedule. |
determine | 決定する、決意する | The results will determine our next steps. |
develop | 開発する、発展する | The company plans to develop a new software tool. |
device | 装置、デバイス | This device can connect to Wi-Fi. |
devote | 捧げる、充てる | He devoted his time to improving his skills. |
diagnose | 診断する、原因を突き止める | The technician diagnosed the issue quickly. |
diagram | 図、図解 | The diagram shows the process flow clearly. |
dialogue | 対話、会話 | The managers had a constructive dialogue. |
differ | 異なる、意見が異なる | The two proposals differ in approach. |
difficult | 難しい、大変な | It was a difficult task to complete on time. |
digital | デジタルの、電子的な | The company focuses on digital marketing. |
direct | 指導する、直接の、指示する | He gave direct instructions to his team. |
directory | 名簿、ディレクトリ | You can find his contact details in the company directory. |
disagree | 意見が合わない、反対する | I disagree with your assessment of the situation. |
discuss | 議論する、話し合う | Let's discuss the project during the meeting. |
display | 展示する、表示する、展示 | The product is displayed in the store window. |
distribute | 配布する、分配する | The brochures will be distributed to all attendees. |
document | 書類、記録、文書化する | Please submit all required documents by Monday. |
domestic | 国内の、家庭の | The company focuses on the domestic market. |
donate | 寄付する、提供する | She donated a large sum to the charity. |
draft | 下書き、草案、ドラフト | Please prepare a draft of the report. |
drastic | 劇的な、思い切った | The company took drastic measures to cut costs. |
duty | 義務、職務、関税 | It is his duty to supervise the team. |
単語 | 意味 | 用例 |
earn | 稼ぐ、得る、獲得する | She earns a high salary at her new job. |
ease | 和らげる、容易さ、緩和する | This software will ease your workload. |
efficient | 効率的な、有能な | The new system is much more efficient. |
effort | 努力、取り組み | He made an effort to finish the project on time. |
elaborate | 詳細に述べる、精巧な | Could you elaborate on your proposal? |
elect | 選ぶ、選出する | She was elected as the new team leader. |
eliminate | 取り除く、排除する | We need to eliminate unnecessary expenses. |
emerge | 現れる、浮かび上がる | A new leader emerged from the discussions. |
emphasize | 強調する | The speaker emphasized the importance of teamwork. |
employee | 従業員、社員 | The company has hired 10 new employees. |
employer | 雇用主、会社 | The employer is responsible for providing benefits. |
enable | 可能にする、~をできるようにする | The software enables users to share files easily. |
encourage | 励ます、奨励する | The manager encouraged the team to think creatively. |
endorse | 支持する、推薦する、承認する | The celebrity endorsed the new product. |
energy | エネルギー、活力 | He has a lot of energy and enthusiasm for his work. |
engage | 従事する、参加する、引きつける | The company aims to engage customers online. |
enhance | 高める、強化する | Training programs enhance employee skills. |
enormous | 非常に大きい、莫大な | The company made enormous profits last year. |
ensure | 確実にする、保証する | Please ensure all documents are submitted on time. |
enter | 入る、入力する | She entered the meeting room quietly. |
enterprise | 企業、事業、冒険心 | He works for a large global enterprise. |
entire | 全体の、完全な | The entire team attended the meeting. |
entrance | 入り口、入場 | The entrance to the building is on Main Street. |
environment | 環境、周囲の状況 | We must protect the natural environment. |
equip | 装備する、備え付ける | The laboratory is equipped with new technology. |
equivalent | 同等の、相当する | His skills are equivalent to those of an expert. |
error | エラー、誤り | Please check the report for errors. |
establish | 設立する、確立する、築く | The company was established in 1995. |
estimate | 見積もり、見積もる | The repair costs are estimated to be $2,000. |
evaluate | 評価する、査定する | The manager will evaluate the team's performance. |
event | イベント、出来事 | The annual company event will be held next month. |
eventually | 最終的に、やがて | He eventually became the CEO of the company. |
evidence | 証拠、証明 | The report provided clear evidence of success. |
evolve | 進化する、発展する | The company has evolved into a global leader. |
exact | 正確な | The exact date of the meeting is not yet decided. |
examine | 調査する、検査する | The technician examined the equipment carefully. |
exceed | 超える、上回る | Sales exceeded expectations this quarter. |
excellent | 優れた、素晴らしい | She gave an excellent presentation. |
exception | 例外、特例 | With the exception of one person, everyone attended. |
exclude | 除外する | The cost of meals is excluded from the price. |
execute | 実行する、遂行する | The plan was executed successfully. |
exercise | 運動、練習、行使する | Regular exercise improves health. |
exhibit | 展示する、示す、展示物 | The artist's work is being exhibited in a gallery. |
expand | 拡大する、広げる | The company plans to expand its operations overseas. |
expect | 予想する、期待する | We expect the project to be completed on time. |
expense | 費用、出費 | Business expenses will be reimbursed. |
experience | 経験、体験 | She has 10 years of experience in marketing. |
expert | 専門家、熟練者 | He is an expert in financial analysis. |
explain | 説明する、明確にする | Can you explain how this system works? |
explore | 探索する、調査する | The team will explore new market opportunities. |
export | 輸出、輸出する | The company exports products to several countries. |
extend | 延長する、拡張する | The manager extended the deadline by two days. |
external | 外部の、外部 | The company hired external consultants. |
extra | 追加の、余分な | We need extra time to finish the project. |
単語 | 意味 | 用例 |
facilitate | 促進する、容易にする | The new software will facilitate communication. |
facility | 施設、設備、機能 | The company built a new manufacturing facility. |
factor | 要因、要素 | Price is a key factor when choosing a supplier. |
fail | 失敗する、落ちる | The project failed to meet its objectives. |
failure | 失敗、故障、機能停止 | A system failure caused a delay in production. |
fair | 公平な、公正な、展示会 | The decision was fair to all employees. |
fall | 落ちる、下がる、減少 | Sales fell significantly last month. |
familiar | よく知られた、精通している | She is familiar with the company’s policies. |
fare | 運賃、料金 | The bus fare has increased by 10%. |
fasten | 固定する、締める | Please fasten your seatbelt. |
favor | 好意、支持、賛成 | Could you do me a favor and send the report? |
feature | 特徴、機能、特徴とする | The smartphone features a high-quality camera. |
federal | 連邦の、国の | The federal government announced new policies. |
fee | 料金、手数料 | There is a $10 processing fee for applications. |
feedback | 意見、フィードバック | We appreciate your feedback on the product. |
fewer | より少ない | This year, we received fewer complaints. |
figure | 数字、図、人物、考える | Sales figures were higher than expected. |
file | ファイル、書類、提出する、整理する | Please file the documents in the cabinet. |
fill | 埋める、満たす | She filled the form with the required information. |
finance | 財務、資金、融資する | The company is seeking financing for expansion. |
financial | 財政の、金融の | He works as a financial analyst. |
find | 見つける、発見する | We need to find a solution to this issue. |
fine | 素晴らしい、罰金、細かい | The company was fined for violating the regulations. |
firm | 会社、堅い、安定した | She works at a law firm in the city. |
fit | 適合する、合わせる | The new software does not fit our requirements. |
fix | 修理する、固定する、解決する | They fixed the issue with the network quickly. |
flexible | 柔軟な、融通の利く | The company offers flexible working hours. |
focus | 焦点、集中する | The discussion focused on improving productivity. |
fold | 折る、折り畳む | Please fold the documents neatly. |
follow | 従う、ついていく | Follow the instructions carefully. |
forbid | 禁止する | Smoking is forbidden in this area. |
forecast | 予測、予報 | The weather forecast predicts rain tomorrow. |
foreign | 外国の、異質な | The company deals mainly with foreign clients. |
formal | 正式な、公式の | He sent a formal letter to the board. |
format | 形式、書式 | The file is saved in PDF format. |
former | 前の、以前の | She is a former employee of the company. |
fortunate | 幸運な、運の良い | We were fortunate to finish the project early. |
foundation | 基盤、設立、基金 | The foundation of the building is strong. |
frame | 枠組み、枠、骨組み | The report provides a framework for discussion. |
franchise | フランチャイズ、営業権 | They bought a franchise for a popular fast-food chain. |
frequent | 頻繁な、頻繁に訪れる | He is a frequent visitor to our office. |
fresh | 新しい、新鮮な | The team came up with fresh ideas. |
friendly | 友好的な、親しみやすい | The staff is very friendly and helpful. |
frustrate | 挫折させる、いら立たせる | The delays frustrated the entire team. |
fuel | 燃料、刺激する | Rising fuel costs have affected transportation. |
fulfill | 果たす、満たす | He fulfilled all his responsibilities on time. |
function | 機能、働き、機能する | The main function of the tool is to save time. |
fund | 資金、基金、資金提供する | The company raised funds for a new project. |
fundamental | 基本的な、根本的な | Teamwork is fundamental to the company's success. |
furniture | 家具 | The office furniture was replaced last month. |
単語 | 意味 | 用例 |
gain | 得る、獲得する、増加 | The company gained a significant profit this year. |
gather | 集める、収集する、集まる | We will gather data for the next report. |
generate | 生み出す、発生させる | The advertisement campaign generated a lot of interest. |
generous | 寛大な、気前の良い | He made a generous donation to the charity. |
global | 世界的な、地球規模の | The company operates on a global scale. |
goal | 目標、目的 | Our main goal is to increase customer satisfaction. |
goods | 商品、品物 | The store sells a variety of electronic goods. |
govern | 統治する、管理する | The organization is governed by strict rules. |
gradually | 徐々に、段階的に | Sales have gradually improved over the year. |
grant | 補助金、許可する、与える | The company received a government grant. |
graphic | 図表の、視覚的な | The report includes several graphic illustrations. |
gratitude | 感謝、謝意 | She expressed her gratitude for the opportunity. |
guarantee | 保証する、保証 | The product comes with a one-year guarantee. |
guideline | 指針、ガイドライン | Please follow the safety guidelines carefully. |
単語 | 意味 | 用例 |
habit | 習慣、癖 | Developing good habits improves productivity. |
handle | 扱う、処理する、対応する | She will handle customer complaints today. |
harm | 害、損害、害を与える | The mistake caused no harm to the project. |
harsh | 厳しい、過酷な | The new regulations are too harsh. |
headquarters | 本社、本部 | The company’s headquarters is located in New York. |
healthcare | 医療、健康管理 | The company provides excellent healthcare benefits. |
highlight | 強調する、目立たせる | He highlighted the importance of team effort. |
hire | 雇う、採用する | The company plans to hire 50 new employees. |
hold | 開催する、保持する、持つ | The meeting will be held in the conference room. |
honest | 正直な、誠実な | She gave an honest opinion on the matter. |
host | 主催する、司会者、ホスト | The company will host the annual conference. |
household | 家庭、世帯 | Household expenses have increased recently. |
huge | 巨大な、莫大な | The company made a huge investment in new technology. |
humble | 謙虚な、控えめな | Despite his success, he remains humble. |
hurry | 急ぐ、急がせる | Hurry up! The meeting is about to start. |
hypothesis | 仮説、前提 | The scientist tested the hypothesis in the lab. |
hostile | 敵意のある、厳しい | The changes faced some hostile reactions. |
human resources | 人事、人材管理 | The human resources department handles recruitment. |
humiliate | 恥をかかせる、屈辱を与える | The manager's remarks humiliated the team. |
hinder | 妨げる、遅らせる | Poor communication can hinder progress. |
handle | 手で扱う、処理する | He carefully handled the fragile package. |
hazard | 危険、危険要因 | The chemical poses a hazard to the environment. |
heritage | 遺産、伝統 | The city is proud of its cultural heritage. |
harvest | 収穫、収穫する | Farmers began to harvest their crops. |
hint | ヒント、手がかり、示唆 | She gave a hint about the upcoming changes. |
hopeful | 希望に満ちた、期待している | The team is hopeful about the project’s success. |
hostility | 敵意、対立 | There was clear hostility between the two sides. |
honor | 名誉、栄誉、称える | He was honored for his contributions to the industry. |
headline | 見出し、ヘッドライン | The article made the headlines in all newspapers. |
horizon | 地平線、視野 | The company is exploring new horizons. |
humor | ユーモア、面白さ | His speech was full of humor and wit. |
hybrid | 混合の、ハイブリッド | The company introduced a hybrid work model. |
単語 | 意味 | 用例 |
ideal | 理想的な、理想 | This solution is ideal for small businesses. |
identify | 特定する、識別する、確認する | Can you identify the cause of the issue? |
ignore | 無視する、気にしない | He ignored the warnings from his manager. |
illustrate | 説明する、例示する、図解する | The chart illustrates the company’s progress. |
image | 画像、イメージ、印象 | The company’s brand image is very strong. |
imagine | 想像する、思い描く | Can you imagine working in a foreign country? |
immediate | 即時の、直接の | We need an immediate response to this issue. |
impact | 影響、影響を与える | The new policy had a major impact on sales. |
implement | 実行する、導入する | The company will implement the new system next month. |
import | 輸入、輸入する | The company imports goods from Asia. |
important | 重要な、大切な | It’s important to complete the project on time. |
impose | 課す、押しつける | New regulations were imposed on the company. |
impress | 印象づける、感動させる | Her presentation really impressed the audience. |
improve | 改善する、向上させる | The new strategy improved team performance. |
incentive | 動機、刺激、奨励 | The company offers incentives for top performers. |
include | 含む、含める | The price includes shipping and taxes. |
income | 収入、所得 | His monthly income has increased significantly. |
increase | 増加する、増やす、増加 | Sales increased by 10% last month. |
indicate | 示す、指し示す | The report indicates a rise in productivity. |
industry | 産業、業界 | The automobile industry has grown rapidly. |
inform | 知らせる、通知する | Please inform your manager about the changes. |
initial | 最初の、初期の | The initial results were very promising. |
initiative | 主導権、イニシアチブ、構想 | The new initiative focuses on sustainability. |
injury | けが、損害 | The worker sustained an injury on the job. |
inquire | 尋ねる、問い合わせる | I would like to inquire about your services. |
insert | 挿入する、入れる | Please insert your card into the machine. |
insight | 洞察、見識 | The manager provided valuable insights during the meeting. |
inspect | 点検する、調査する | The engineer inspected the equipment for any faults. |
inspire | 奮起させる、刺激を与える | The leader’s speech inspired the entire team. |
install | 設置する、導入する | The technician installed the new software. |
instance | 例、事例 | For instance, sales increased by 20%. |
institute | 設立する、機関、協会 | The research institute focuses on innovation. |
instruct | 指示する、指導する | He instructed the team to start immediately. |
instrument | 器具、道具 | The technician used a special instrument to test the device. |
insure | 保険をかける、保証する | The building is insured against fire. |
integrate | 統合する、融合させる | The new system integrates all departments. |
intention | 意図、目的 | It was not his intention to cause any trouble. |
interest | 興味、利息、関心 | She showed great interest in the proposal. |
interview | 面接、インタビュー、面接をする | The manager interviewed three candidates. |
introduce | 紹介する、導入する | The company introduced a new product line. |
invest | 投資する | The company plans to invest in new technology. |
investigate | 調査する、捜査する | The police are investigating the incident. |
invitation | 招待、招待状 | I received an invitation to the annual event. |
involve | 巻き込む、関与する、含む | The project involves collaboration between teams. |
issue | 問題、発行する、課題 | The meeting focused on addressing critical issues. |
item | 項目、品目、アイテム | The items are listed in the catalog. |
単語 | 意味 | 用例 |
job | 仕事、職務 | He started a new job last month. |
join | 加わる、参加する、つなぐ | She decided to join the marketing team. |
joint | 共同の、共有の | This is a joint project between two companies. |
journey | 旅、道のり | The journey to success takes hard work. |
judge | 判断する、裁判官、審査する | It is too early to judge the outcome. |
judgment | 判断、判決 | The manager made a fair judgment. |
just | ちょうど、公正な、正当な | I just finished writing the report. |
justice | 正義、公正、司法 | Everyone deserves justice and equality. |
justify | 正当化する、理由を説明する | Can you justify the high cost of the project? |
junior | 年下の、後輩の | He works as a junior analyst at the company. |
jump | 跳ぶ、急増する | Sales jumped by 20% this quarter. |
junk | がらくた、廃物 | Please get rid of any junk files on the computer. |
jeopardize | 危険にさらす、台無しにする | Delays could jeopardize the success of the project. |
単語 | 意味 | 用例 |
keep | 保つ、保持する、続ける | Please keep the documents in a safe place. |
key | 重要な、鍵、要点 | Communication is the key to success. |
kick off | 開始する、始まる | The meeting will kick off at 10 a.m. |
kilogram | キログラム | The package weighs about 5 kilograms. |
kind | 種類、親切な | This kind of problem requires careful planning. |
knowledge | 知識、知見 | He has extensive knowledge of the industry. |
known | 知られている、既知の | This brand is known for its quality products. |
knock | ノックする、打つ | Please knock before entering the office. |
keynote | 基調、基調演説 | The CEO delivered the keynote speech. |
keen | 熱心な、鋭い | She has a keen interest in marketing. |
keep up with | 追いつく、遅れないようにする | It’s important to keep up with industry trends. |
単語 | 意味 | 用例 |
label | ラベル、表示、ラベルを貼る | Please label all the boxes clearly. |
labor | 労働、労働力、働く | The company relies on skilled labor. |
lack | 不足、欠如、欠ける | The project failed due to a lack of funding. |
land | 着陸する、土地 | The plane will land at 3 p.m. |
landscape | 風景、状況 | The business landscape has changed dramatically. |
large | 大きな、広い | The company operates on a large scale. |
launch | 発売する、開始する、打ち上げる | The company will launch a new product next month. |
law | 法律、法則 | The new law will affect all businesses. |
layout | 配置、レイアウト | The layout of the office was redesigned. |
lead | 導く、先導する、リード | She will lead the team through the project. |
leader | リーダー、指導者 | He is a natural leader in the organization. |
leadership | 指導力、リーダーシップ | Good leadership is essential for success. |
leak | 漏れる、漏れ | There was a water leak in the ceiling. |
learn | 学ぶ、習得する | She is learning how to use the new software. |
lease | 賃貸する、賃貸契約 | They signed a lease for the new office space. |
leave | 去る、残す、休暇 | I will leave the office at 5 p.m. |
lecture | 講義、講演、講義をする | The professor gave an interesting lecture. |
legal | 法的な、合法の | It is important to meet all legal requirements. |
legislation | 法律、立法 | New legislation will affect the entire industry. |
length | 長さ、期間 | The length of the meeting will be two hours. |
less | より少ない、少ない | We spent less money this year compared to last year. |
level | レベル、段階 | The new training program improved skill levels. |
liability | 責任、負債 | The company’s liabilities exceeded its assets. |
license | 免許、許可、許可する | You need a license to operate this equipment. |
limit | 制限、限度、制限する | The company set a limit on overtime hours. |
line | 線、列、商品ライン、並ぶ | The new product line will be released soon. |
link | つなぐ、関連付ける、リンク | The report links performance to employee satisfaction. |
list | リスト、一覧、リストにする | Please list all the tasks in order of priority. |
load | 荷物、積み込む、負担 | The truck is fully loaded with supplies. |
loan | 融資、貸付、貸す | The bank approved a loan for the project. |
local | 地元の、地域の | We need to attract more local customers. |
locate | 位置する、見つける | The office is located in the downtown area. |
location | 場所、位置 | The new store location has better visibility. |
logical | 論理的な、筋の通った | His proposal was clear and logical. |
long-term | 長期の | This is a long-term investment. |
lose | 失う、負ける、損をする | The company cannot afford to lose any clients. |
loss | 損失、失うこと | The company reported a significant loss. |
loyal | 忠実な、誠実な | The company rewards loyal customers. |
単語 | 意味 | 用例 |
maintain | 維持する、保つ | It’s important to maintain high quality standards. |
major | 主要な、大きな、専攻 | The company made a major announcement yesterday. |
management | 経営、管理 | Effective management leads to better results. |
manufacture | 製造する、製造、製品 | This factory manufactures electronic devices. |
market | 市場、売り込む | They plan to expand into the Asian market. |
marketing | マーケティング、販売促進 | The marketing team launched a new campaign. |
match | 一致する、合う、試合 | The candidate’s skills match the job requirements. |
material | 材料、素材、資料 | All necessary materials have been provided. |
matter | 問題、重要である | Cost is a matter of concern for many companies. |
maximum | 最大の、最高の | The maximum capacity of the room is 100 people. |
measure | 測定する、手段、措置 | We need to measure the impact of the changes. |
mechanism | 仕組み、機構 | The mechanism for handling complaints is clear. |
media | メディア、手段 | The company uses social media to promote its brand. |
medical | 医療の、医学の | He received medical treatment for his injury. |
meet | 会う、満たす | The project must meet the deadline. |
mention | 言及する、述べる | He mentioned the new policy in his speech. |
method | 方法、手法 | We need to find a better method for training employees. |
minimum | 最小の、最低限の | The minimum payment is due next week. |
minor | 小さな、重要でない | There are only minor changes to the contract. |
mission | 任務、使命 | Our mission is to provide quality service. |
mistake | 間違い、誤り | A mistake in the report caused confusion. |
modern | 現代的な、最新の | The office is equipped with modern technology. |
modify | 修正する、変更する | Please modify the document before submission. |
monitor | 監視する、モニター | The manager will monitor the team’s progress. |
monthly | 毎月の、月ごとの | The company publishes a monthly newsletter. |
motive | 動機、目的 | His motive for starting the business was to help others. |
move | 動く、引っ越す、進める | The company plans to move its headquarters. |
multiple | 複数の、多様な | The company has multiple offices worldwide. |
mutual | 相互の、共通の | The contract was signed for mutual benefit. |
単語 | 意味 | 用例 |
narrow | 狭い、絞り込む | We need to narrow the options to three. |
nation | 国家、国 | Japan is a leading nation in technology. |
national | 国の、国家の、全国的な | The company expanded to a national level. |
native | 出生地の、母国の | She is a native speaker of English. |
natural | 自然の、当然の | Natural resources are important for the economy. |
nearly | ほとんど、もう少しで | The project is nearly complete. |
necessary | 必要な、不可欠な | It’s necessary to follow the company’s rules. |
need | 必要、必要とする | We need more time to complete the task. |
negotiate | 交渉する | They are negotiating the terms of the contract. |
negotiation | 交渉、話し合い | The negotiation process was smooth. |
neighbor | 隣人、近所の人 | Our company’s office is next to our neighbor’s. |
network | ネットワーク、人脈、網 | Building a strong network is essential for success. |
neutral | 中立の、公平な | The mediator remained neutral during the discussion. |
never | 決して~ない | He never misses a deadline. |
new | 新しい、初めての | The company launched a new product last week. |
news | ニュース、知らせ | The news about the merger surprised everyone. |
next | 次の、隣の | The next meeting is scheduled for Monday. |
nice | 良い、素晴らしい | It’s nice to meet you in person. |
nominate | 指名する、推薦する | She was nominated for the position of manager. |
normal | 通常の、標準の | It’s normal to have some delays in large projects. |
notable | 注目すべき、顕著な | The company made notable progress this year. |
note | 注意する、記録する、メモ | Please note the changes to the schedule. |
notice | 気づく、通知、告知 | I received a notice about the policy update. |
notify | 通知する、知らせる | Please notify us of any changes in advance. |
novel | 新しい、斬新な、(名詞)小説 | The team introduced a novel approach to the issue. |
nowadays | 最近は、現代では | Nowadays, remote work has become common. |
numerous | 多数の、たくさんの | The company received numerous complaints about the service. |
nurture | 育てる、養育する | Good leaders nurture talent within the team. |
単語 | 意味 | 用例 |
objective | 目標、目的、公平な | The main objective of the meeting is to finalize the plan. |
obligation | 義務、責務 | Employees have an obligation to follow company policies. |
observe | 観察する、守る | Please observe the safety guidelines. |
obtain | 手に入れる、獲得する | You need to obtain permission before using the materials. |
obvious | 明らかな、はっきりした | The benefits of the new system are obvious. |
occasion | 場合、機会 | This is a perfect occasion to celebrate our success. |
occasionally | 時々、たまに | I occasionally work from home. |
occupy | 占める、使用する | The meeting room is currently occupied. |
occur | 起こる、発生する | Delays may occur due to bad weather. |
offer | 提供する、申し出、オファー | The company offered me a new position. |
official | 公式の、公的な、役人 | The official statement will be released tomorrow. |
offset | 相殺する、埋め合わせる | The increase in revenue offset the losses. |
omit | 省略する、除外する | Please omit unnecessary details from the report. |
on behalf of | ~を代表して、~の代わりに | I’m speaking on behalf of my team. |
ongoing | 進行中の、継続的な | The ongoing project will be completed soon. |
operate | 操作する、運営する | This machine operates automatically. |
operation | 操作、業務、手術 | The company’s operations have expanded overseas. |
opportunity | 機会、好機 | This event is a great opportunity for networking. |
opponent | 相手、敵対者 | He faced a strong opponent in the debate. |
option | 選択肢、オプション | You have the option to renew the contract. |
order | 注文、命令、順序、注文する | I placed an order for office supplies. |
ordinary | 普通の、通常の | It was an ordinary day at work. |
organization | 組織、団体 | He works for a non-profit organization. |
organize | 整理する、組織する、計画する | She will organize the team’s schedule. |
origin | 起源、出所 | The origin of the issue has been identified. |
original | 元の、独自の、最初の | Please submit the original copy of the document. |
outcome | 結果、成果 | The outcome of the negotiations was positive. |
outdated | 時代遅れの、古くなった | The software is outdated and needs updating. |
outgoing | 外向的な、出発する | The outgoing CEO gave his final speech today. |
outlet | 販売店、コンセント、出口 | The company has several retail outlets across the city. |
outline | 概要、要点、概説する | The report outlines the main points of the project. |
outstanding | 傑出した、未払いの | She received an award for her outstanding performance. |
overall | 全体の、全体として | The overall result was very satisfactory. |
overcome | 克服する、乗り越える | The team overcame several challenges. |
overdue | 期限を過ぎた | The payment is overdue by two weeks. |
overlap | 重複する、重なる | There is an overlap between the two tasks. |
oversee | 監督する、見守る | The manager oversees all operations. |
overtime | 残業、時間外労働 | The company pays for any overtime work. |
own | 所有する、自分自身の | She owns a small business in the city. |
ownership | 所有権、所有 | The ownership of the property was transferred. |
単語 | 意味 | 用例 |
participate | 参加する | Employees are encouraged to participate in the workshop. |
particular | 特定の、特別な | This issue requires particular attention. |
partner | パートナー、提携する | They are our business partners. |
passenger | 乗客 | The number of passengers on the flight has increased. |
patent | 特許、特許を取る | The company filed a patent for the new technology. |
pay | 支払う、支払い | We need to pay the invoice by next Friday. |
payment | 支払い、支払金 | The payment was made on time. |
pending | 未決定の、保留中の | The approval for the new plan is still pending. |
perform | 実行する、演じる、業務を行う | The team performed well under pressure. |
performance | 業績、性能、実演 | The company evaluates employee performance annually. |
permit | 許可、許可証、許可する | You need a permit to park here. |
persuade | 説得する | He persuaded the client to sign the contract. |
phase | 段階、フェーズ | The project will be completed in three phases. |
phenomenon | 現象、事象 | Remote work has become a global phenomenon. |
pick | 選ぶ、拾う | She picked the best candidate for the role. |
place | 場所、置く、配置する | Please place the documents on my desk. |
plan | 計画、計画する | The manager outlined the plan for next year. |
policy | 方針、規定 | The company has a strict refund policy. |
portfolio | ポートフォリオ、作品集 | She presented her design portfolio to the client. |
positive | 前向きな、肯定的な | She has a positive attitude toward challenges. |
possess | 所有する | He possesses strong leadership skills. |
postpone | 延期する | The meeting was postponed to next Monday. |
potential | 潜在的な、可能性 | The new market has great potential for growth. |
practical | 実用的な、現実的な | The training provided practical knowledge. |
practice | 練習、実践、習慣 | Regular practice is essential for success. |
precaution | 予防措置、注意 | Take precaution to avoid further issues. |
predict | 予測する | Experts predict a rise in fuel prices. |
preference | 好み、優先 | He expressed his preference for the new design. |
prepare | 準備する、整える | We need to prepare for the client’s arrival. |
presence | 存在、出席 | Her presence at the meeting was greatly appreciated. |
present | 提示する、現在の、出席している | He will present the findings at the conference. |
preserve | 保つ、保存する | Efforts are being made to preserve the environment. |
pressure | 圧力、重圧 | The team is under pressure to meet the deadline. |
prevent | 防ぐ、阻止する | The new measures will prevent future problems. |
previous | 前の、以前の | The previous report was submitted last week. |
primary | 主要な、第一の | Our primary objective is to increase sales. |
priority | 優先事項、優先度 | Safety is our top priority. |
proceed | 進行する、続行する | Please proceed with the next phase of the project. |
process | 過程、処理、処理する | The application process takes two weeks. |
produce | 生産する、作り出す | The company produces high-quality products. |
product | 製品、商品 | The new product will launch next month. |
profit | 利益、利益を得る | The company made a significant profit this year. |
program | プログラム、計画、プログラムする | The training program lasts for three weeks. |
progress | 進展、進歩、進む | The team is making good progress on the project. |
project | プロジェクト、計画、予測する | The new project will be completed by December. |
promote | 昇進させる、促進する | The campaign aims to promote healthy lifestyles. |
proof | 証拠、証明 | Can you provide proof of purchase? |
proposal | 提案、提案書 | The manager approved the proposal. |
prospect | 見込み、可能性、将来性 | The company has good prospects for growth. |
protect | 守る、保護する | We need to protect sensitive customer data. |
provide | 提供する、与える | The company provides excellent customer service. |
public | 公共の、公の | The report is available to the public. |
purchase | 購入する、購入 | I would like to purchase this product. |
purpose | 目的、意図 | The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the new strategy. |
pursue | 追求する、従事する | He decided to pursue a career in finance. |
単語 | 意味 | 用例 |
qualify | 資格を得る、適任である | She qualifies for the management position. |
qualification | 資格、能力、適性 | The job requires specific qualifications. |
quality | 品質、質、上質な | We ensure the quality of all our products. |
quantity | 量、数量 | We need a large quantity of raw materials. |
quarter | 四半期、4分の1、地域 | Sales increased in the last quarter. |
quarterly | 四半期ごとの、年4回の | The company releases quarterly financial reports. |
questionnaire | アンケート、質問票 | Please fill out the customer satisfaction questionnaire. |
queue | 列、順番待ち、列に並ぶ | People queued up to purchase the new product. |
quick | 速い、迅速な | He gave a quick response to the question. |
quickly | 速く、迅速に | The issue was resolved quickly. |
quiet | 静かな、穏やかな、静けさ | The office is very quiet in the morning. |
quit | やめる、退職する | She decided to quit her job to study abroad. |
quote | 見積もり、引用、見積もる | The supplier provided a price quote for the project. |
単語 | 意味 | 用例 |
raise | 上げる、引き上げる、昇給 | The company decided to raise salaries by 5%. |
range | 範囲、及ぶ | The price range for this product is $100-$200. |
rate | 率、料金、評価する | The hotel offers affordable rates for families. |
reach | 到達する、手が届く | We finally reached our sales target. |
reaction | 反応、リアクション | His reaction to the news was very positive. |
readily | 容易に、すぐに | Information is readily available online. |
realize | 実現する、気づく | He realized his goal of becoming a manager. |
reasonable | 手ごろな、妥当な | The price is reasonable for the quality. |
reassure | 安心させる、保証する | The manager reassured the team about their performance. |
recall | 思い出す、回収する | The company recalled its defective products. |
receipt | 領収書、受け取ること | Please keep the receipt for future reference. |
receive | 受け取る | I received your email this morning. |
recent | 最近の | The company’s recent performance has improved. |
recognize | 認識する、認める | She was recognized for her hard work. |
recommend | 推薦する、勧める | I recommend this product to all my clients. |
record | 記録、記録する | The company recorded a 20% increase in sales. |
recover | 回復する、取り戻す | The market is starting to recover from the downturn. |
reduce | 減少させる、削減する | We need to reduce costs to stay competitive. |
refer | 言及する、参照する | Please refer to the manual for instructions. |
reference | 参照、推薦、参考 | You will need at least two references for the job. |
reflect | 反映する、反射する | These numbers reflect the company's progress. |
refund | 払い戻し、返金、払い戻す | You can request a refund within 30 days. |
refuse | 拒否する、断る | He refused to sign the agreement. |
regard | みなす、考慮、関して | She is highly regarded for her expertise. |
regulation | 規則、規制 | New regulations will affect all businesses. |
reject | 拒絶する、却下する | The proposal was rejected by the committee. |
relate | 関連する、関係づける | This issue relates to the previous discussion. |
relation | 関係、関連 | Good customer relations are essential for success. |
relevant | 関連のある、適切な | Please provide information that is relevant to the topic. |
reliable | 信頼できる、頼りになる | We need a reliable supplier for this project. |
relief | 安心、軽減、救済 | The team felt great relief after meeting the deadline. |
remain | 残る、~のままである | The situation remains unchanged. |
remark | 発言、述べる | He made an interesting remark during the meeting. |
remind | 思い出させる | Please remind me to call the client tomorrow. |
remove | 取り除く、撤去する | The product was removed from the catalog. |
repair | 修理する、修理 | The technician will repair the broken machine. |
replace | 交換する、取って代わる | We need to replace the old equipment soon. |
report | 報告する、報告書 | She submitted the monthly sales report. |
represent | 代表する、表す | He will represent the company at the event. |
require | 必要とする、要求する | This job requires excellent communication skills. |
reschedule | 予定を変更する、再調整する | The meeting has been rescheduled to next week. |
reserve | 予約する、確保する、控える | I reserved a table for four at the restaurant. |
resident | 住民、居住者 | The residents expressed concerns about the new policy. |
resolve | 解決する、決意する | The team managed to resolve the issue quickly. |
resource | 資源、資産 | The company’s main resource is its workforce. |
respect | 尊敬、尊重する | We must respect everyone’s opinion. |
respond | 返答する、応じる | The client responded positively to the proposal. |
responsibility | 責任、義務 | It is your responsibility to complete the task. |
rest | 休息、残り、休む | You should take a rest after working long hours. |
restrict | 制限する、限定する | Access to the area is restricted to employees. |
result | 結果、結果として生じる | The new strategy resulted in higher profits. |
retain | 保持する、維持する | The company aims to retain its top talent. |
revenue | 収益、収入 | The company’s revenue increased by 15%. |
review | 見直す、再検討、レビュー | Let’s review the report before submission. |
revise | 修正する、改訂する | The proposal needs to be revised. |
risk | 危険、リスク、危険を冒す | Expanding into a new market always involves risk. |
単語 | 意味 | 用例 |
safety | 安全、無事 | Safety is the top priority for our company. |
salary | 給料、給与 | She receives a competitive salary. |
sales | 売上、販売 | The company’s sales increased by 20%. |
satisfy | 満足させる | The product satisfied all customer needs. |
schedule | 予定、スケジュール、予定を立てる | The meeting is scheduled for 10 a.m. |
scope | 範囲、領域 | The scope of the project is quite broad. |
search | 探す、検索する、探索 | They are searching for a new supplier. |
section | 部分、区分、セクション | The report is divided into three sections. |
secure | 確保する、安全な、守る | The company secured a major contract. |
security | 安全、警備 | Security measures were improved at the office. |
select | 選ぶ、選択する | Please select the option that fits best. |
sensitive | 敏感な、繊細な | This information is highly sensitive. |
separate | 分ける、分離する、別々の | Please keep the documents in separate folders. |
sequence | 連続、順序 | The tasks must be completed in sequence. |
serve | 提供する、役に立つ | The hotel serves breakfast from 7 a.m. |
service | サービス、業務、保守 | Customer service is available 24/7. |
session | セッション、会議、講習 | The training session begins at noon. |
set | 設定する、置く、一式 | They set a deadline for the project. |
settle | 解決する、定住する、落ち着く | The team settled the issue quickly. |
several | いくつかの、いくつもの | Several employees attended the conference. |
share | 共有する、分け合う、株 | She shared her ideas during the meeting. |
shift | 変える、移動、シフト | The manager’s focus shifted to quality control. |
shortage | 不足、欠乏 | There is a shortage of skilled workers. |
show | 見せる、示す、展示 | The chart shows the growth in revenue. |
significant | 重要な、かなりの | There was a significant increase in profits. |
similar | 似ている、同様の | The two proposals are very similar. |
simple | 簡単な、単純な | The instructions are clear and simple. |
situation | 状況、立場 | The current situation requires quick action. |
skill | スキル、技能 | Communication skills are essential for this job. |
solution | 解決策、解答 | We need a solution to the current problem. |
source | 源、出所、情報源 | The data came from a reliable source. |
specific | 明確な、具体的な | Please provide specific examples in your report. |
staff | スタッフ、従業員 | The company is hiring additional staff. |
standard | 標準、基準、標準の | The product meets international standards. |
statement | 声明、明細書 | Please review the financial statement. |
status | 状態、地位 | The status of the order is “in progress.” |
steady | 安定した、着実な | The company has seen steady growth. |
stock | 在庫、株式 | The item is currently out of stock. |
strategy | 戦略、計画 | We need a new strategy to increase market share. |
strict | 厳しい、厳格な | The manager has a strict policy on attendance. |
structure | 構造、仕組み | The building’s structure is very modern. |
submit | 提出する | Please submit your report by Friday. |
subsequent | その後の、次の | The team will meet to discuss subsequent steps. |
substitute | 代わりの、代替、代用する | We used a substitute material for production. |
succeed | 成功する | He succeeded in completing the project on time. |
success | 成功、成果 | The project was a huge success. |
suggest | 提案する、示唆する | I suggest we take a short break. |
summary | 要約、まとめ | The report ends with a brief summary. |
supply | 供給、提供、供給する | The supplier failed to deliver the order on time. |
support | 支える、支持する、支援 | The manager supports employee development. |
surplus | 余剰、黒字 | The company reported a surplus in revenue. |
survey | 調査、アンケート、調査する | The customer survey received positive feedback. |
suspend | 一時停止する、保留する | The service was suspended due to maintenance. |
sustainable | 持続可能な | The company focuses on sustainable growth. |
単語 | 意味 | 用例 |
target | 目標、ターゲット、目標にする | The sales team exceeded their monthly target. |
task | 任務、仕事、タスク | The manager assigned several tasks to the team. |
tax | 税、課税する | The company must pay corporate tax annually. |
technical | 技術的な、専門の | She provided technical support to the engineers. |
technology | 技術、テクノロジー | Advances in technology have improved productivity. |
temporary | 一時的な、臨時の | We hired temporary staff for the busy season. |
tend | 傾向がある、世話をする | Sales tend to increase during the holidays. |
term | 期間、用語、条件 | The contract specifies the payment terms. |
terminate | 終了する、打ち切る | The agreement was terminated due to non-compliance. |
test | テスト、試験、テストする | The new software will undergo rigorous testing. |
text | テキスト、文章、メッセージ | Please send me a text message when you arrive. |
theory | 理論、学説 | His theory was proven correct after testing. |
thorough | 徹底的な、完全な | The report provides a thorough analysis of the data. |
though | ~だけれども、しかし | Though the task was difficult, they finished it on time. |
through | ~を通じて、~を通過して | The company grew through effective leadership. |
tight | きつい、厳しい、余裕のない | We are working under a tight deadline. |
timetable | 時間割、予定表 | The project’s timetable has been finalized. |
tip | ヒント、助言、先端 | She gave me useful tips for the presentation. |
title | タイトル、肩書き、題名 | His official title is Director of Sales. |
tool | 道具、ツール | This software is a useful tool for designers. |
topic | 話題、テーマ | The main topic of discussion was the budget. |
total | 合計、合計の、完全な | The total cost of the project is $5,000. |
track | 追跡する、軌道、記録 | The software helps track project progress. |
trade | 貿易、取引、交換する | The company expanded its trade with Europe. |
tradition | 伝統、習慣 | The company maintains its long-standing traditions. |
traffic | 交通、通信量 | The website experienced heavy traffic last week. |
train | 訓練する、教育する、列車 | The manager will train the new employees. |
transaction | 取引、業務 | The transaction was completed successfully. |
transfer | 移動、移す、転勤 | She transferred to the New York office. |
translate | 翻訳する、変換する | Please translate this document into English. |
transport | 輸送する、運ぶ、輸送 | The goods were transported by air. |
treat | 扱う、治療する、もてなす | The manager treated all employees fairly. |
trend | 傾向、トレンド | The latest trend in marketing is digital advertising. |
trial | 試み、試験、試用 | The new system is currently in a trial phase. |
trigger | 引き起こす、きっかけ | The announcement triggered a strong reaction. |
trust | 信頼、信じる | The company has earned the trust of its clients. |
turn | 回る、向ける、順番 | It’s your turn to present the report. |
type | 種類、タイプ、入力する | What type of software does your company use? |
typical | 典型的な、標準的な | This is a typical example of good teamwork. |
単語 | 意味 | 用例 |
ultimate | 最終の、究極の | Our ultimate goal is to increase market share. |
unable | ~できない | He was unable to attend the meeting. |
unavailable | 利用できない、不在の | The manager is currently unavailable. |
uncertain | 不確かな、不明確な | The outcome of the project is still uncertain. |
undergo | 経験する、受ける | The building will undergo renovations next month. |
understand | 理解する | It’s important to understand customer needs. |
understanding | 理解、理解力 | He has a good understanding of the situation. |
undertake | 引き受ける、取り組む | The team undertook a challenging project. |
unexpected | 予想外の、思いがけない | The delay was caused by unexpected circumstances. |
unfortunately | 残念ながら、あいにく | Unfortunately, the shipment was delayed. |
uniform | 制服、一様な、統一の | Employees are required to wear a uniform. |
unique | 独自の、唯一の | This company offers unique solutions to its clients. |
unit | 単位、部門、装置 | Each unit in the building has its own facilities. |
unite | 結合する、団結する | The team united to achieve the common goal. |
universal | 普遍的な、全体の | The new policy has universal support from employees. |
unless | ~でない限り | We won’t finish the project unless we work overtime. |
unlimited | 無制限の | The service offers unlimited access to resources. |
update | 更新する、最新情報、アップデート | Please update the software to the latest version. |
upgrade | アップグレードする、向上させる | The system was upgraded to improve performance. |
uphold | 支持する、維持する | The company upholds high standards of quality. |
upon | ~の上に、~するとすぐに | Upon arrival, please check in at the front desk. |
upper | 上部の、上位の | He holds an upper management position. |
upset | 動揺した、動揺させる | The unexpected news upset the team. |
urgent | 緊急の、差し迫った | This matter requires urgent attention. |
usage | 使用法、使用量 | The app provides insights into data usage. |
useful | 役に立つ、有用な | This guidebook is very useful for new employees. |
user | 利用者、使用者 | User feedback is essential for improvement. |
usual | いつもの、通常の | He arrived at his usual time this morning. |
utility | 公共料金、実用性 | The utility bills increased during the winter. |
単語 | 意味 | 用例 |
vacancy | 空き、空室、欠員 | There is a vacancy in the sales department. |
vacation | 休暇 | She is currently on vacation. |
valid | 有効な、妥当な | The ticket is valid for one month. |
value | 価値、評価する | The customer values high-quality service. |
variable | 変動する、変数 | The weather in this region is highly variable. |
variation | 変化、変動 | There is a slight variation in the results. |
variety | 多様性、種類 | The store offers a wide variety of products. |
vary | 異なる、変わる | The prices vary depending on the season. |
vast | 広大な、膨大な | The company has a vast network of suppliers. |
venture | 冒険、リスクを伴う事業、思い切って行う | The company is planning a new business venture. |
version | バージョン、型 | This is the latest version of the software. |
versus | ~対、~に対して | The report compares online sales versus in-store sales. |
vertical | 垂直の、縦の | The company expanded its vertical integration. |
viable | 実行可能な、可能性のある | The proposal is financially viable. |
view | 見解、視界、見る | He expressed his view on the project. |
virtual | 仮想の、実質的な | The company held a virtual meeting last week. |
visible | 見える、明白な | The improvements are clearly visible. |
vision | ビジョン、展望、視力 | The CEO shared his vision for the future. |
visit | 訪問する、訪問 | I will visit the client’s office tomorrow. |
vital | 極めて重要な | Good communication is vital to teamwork. |
volume | 容積、音量、量 | The store sells a large volume of products. |
volunteer | ボランティア、自発的に申し出る | She volunteered to lead the project. |
vote | 投票する、投票 | Employees voted to implement the new policy. |
単語 | 意味 | 用例 |
wage | 賃金、給与 | The company offers competitive wages to its employees. |
wait | 待つ、待機する | Please wait until the manager is available. |
walk | 歩く、散歩 | He walks to work every day. |
warranty | 保証、保証書 | This product comes with a two-year warranty. |
waste | 浪費、無駄、浪費する | We should avoid wasting time and resources. |
watch | 見る、観察する、時計 | He watched the presentation carefully. |
way | 方法、道、やり方 | There is no other way to solve this problem. |
weakness | 弱点、欠点 | Identifying weaknesses is the first step to improvement. |
wealth | 富、財産 | The country has a wealth of natural resources. |
wear | 着る、身につける、すり減る | Employees are required to wear formal attire. |
weather | 天気、天候 | The weather forecast predicts rain tomorrow. |
website | ウェブサイト | The company updated its official website. |
week | 週 | The training program lasts for one week. |
welcome | 歓迎する、歓迎 | We welcome your feedback on our services. |
well | よく、うまく | She performed well during the interview. |
whenever | ~する時はいつでも | Feel free to contact me whenever you need help. |
whereas | ~である一方で | He prefers tea, whereas she prefers coffee. |
whether | ~かどうか | We need to decide whether to proceed or not. |
whole | 全体の、すべての | The whole team participated in the project. |
wide | 広い、幅広い | The company offers a wide range of products. |
widely | 広く、幅広く | The book is widely regarded as a classic. |
willing | 喜んで~する | She is willing to take on additional responsibilities. |
win | 勝つ、勝利 | The company won a major contract. |
wind | 風、巻く | The strong wind caused delays in transportation. |
withdraw | 引き出す、撤退する | She decided to withdraw her application. |
within | ~以内で | Please complete the task within the deadline. |
wonder | 驚く、不思議に思う | I wonder if the meeting will start on time. |
work | 働く、仕事 | The team is working on the new project. |
workforce | 労働力、従業員 | The company is expanding its workforce. |
workshop | ワークショップ、作業場 | The employees attended a workshop on leadership. |
world | 世界 | The company operates in more than 50 countries around the world. |
worry | 心配する、心配 | Don’t worry about the deadline; we will meet it. |
worth | 価値がある、~に値する | This idea is worth considering. |
write | 書く、記入する | Please write your name on the form. |
単語 | 意味 | 用例 |
X-ray | X線、レントゲン | The hospital requires an X-ray for the diagnosis. |
xenophobia | 外国人嫌い、排外主義 | Xenophobia can create barriers to global business. |
xerox | コピー、コピー機 | Please xerox these documents for the meeting. |
XML | 拡張マークアップ言語(データ形式) | The system uses XML for data exchange. |
x-axis | X軸 | The graph shows data plotted on the x-axis. |
単語 | 意味 | 用例 |
year | 年、年間 | The project will be completed in two years. |
yearly | 年1回の、毎年 | We conduct a yearly performance review. |
yield | 生産する、産出する、収益 | The investment yielded high returns. |
young | 若い | The company is hiring young and talented individuals. |
youth | 若者、青春 | The youth of today are highly tech-savvy. |
yet | まだ、しかし | The team hasn’t finished the project yet. |
単語 | 意味 | 用例 |
zero | ゼロ、無 | The profit margin was reduced to zero. |
zone | 地域、ゾーン | This area is designated as a residential zone. |
zoom | 急上昇する、ズームインする | Sales zoomed after the new product launch. |
zeal | 熱意、熱中 | She approached the project with great zeal. |
zest | 熱意、活力 | His zest for innovation inspired the team. |

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