



abandon放棄する、諦めるShe decided to abandon the project halfway.
ability能力、才能He has the ability to solve difficult problems.
abolish廃止するThe company decided to abolish the outdated rule.
abundant豊富な、十分なThere is an abundant supply of resources.
accelerate加速する、促進するThe car began to accelerate on the highway.
accommodate収容する、適応する、便宜を図るThe hotel can accommodate up to 500 guests.
accomplish成し遂げる、達成するShe accomplished all her goals last year.
account口座、説明、理由、考慮するPlease create a new account for the user.
accurate正確なThe report is accurate and detailed.
accustomed慣れている、いつものHe is accustomed to working late at night.
acknowledge認める、承認する、感謝するWe acknowledge your hard work and efforts.
acquire手に入れる、習得するThe company will acquire a new business.
adapt適応する、順応するWe must adapt to the changes in the market.
additionallyその上、さらにAdditionally, there will be a bonus for the team.
adequate十分な、適切なThe funds provided are adequate for the project.
adjust調整する、順応するYou need to adjust the settings on the device.
administration管理、経営、行政The administration team handled the issue effectively.
admission入場、入学、承認Admission to the event requires a ticket.
advance前進、進歩、事前のTechnology has made significant advances.
advantage利点、有利This strategy gives us a competitive advantage.
advisable賢明な、適切なIt is advisable to arrive early for the interview.
advocate提唱する、支持者She is an advocate for environmental protection.
affect影響を与えるThe new policy will affect our operations.
affordable手頃な価格のThis product is affordable for most customers.
aggregate合計、集計、総計The aggregate sales exceeded expectations.
agreement契約、合意Both parties signed the agreement yesterday.
allocate割り当てる、配分するFunds will be allocated to improve infrastructure.
allow許可する、可能にするThe new system allows users to access data faster.
alternative代替の、別のYou have an alternative option to choose from.
ambition野心、目標Her ambition is to become a manager.
amend修正する、改正するThe company decided to amend its policies.
analysis分析The analysis shows positive trends in sales.
announce発表する、知らせるThe company will announce its new product next week.
annual年間の、年一回のThe annual meeting will be held in December.
anticipate予想する、期待するWe anticipate higher demand this season.
apparent明白な、見かけ上のIt became apparent that the deal was beneficial.
appeal魅力、訴え、要請The design appeals to a younger audience.
applicable適用できる、該当するThese rules are not applicable in this case.
appoint任命する、指名するShe was appointed as the new CEO.
appreciate感謝する、評価する、理解するWe appreciate your cooperation and support.
approach接近する、取り組む、方法This approach will help us resolve the issue.
appropriate適切な、ふさわしいThis tool is appropriate for the task.
approve承認する、賛成するThe manager approved the budget proposal.
approximateおおよその、概算のThe approximate cost is $1,000.
arise生じる、発生するProblems may arise during the project.
arrange手配する、整えるI will arrange the meeting for tomorrow.
assemble組み立てる、集めるThe team will assemble in the conference room.
assess評価する、査定するThe manager needs to assess employee performance.
assign割り当てる、任命するShe was assigned a new task this morning.
assist手伝う、支援するHe assisted her with the presentation.
assume仮定する、引き受ける、想定するI assume the meeting will start at 3 p.m.
assure保証する、安心させるI assure you that the delivery will be on time.
attach添付する、取り付けるPlease attach the document to the email.
attain達成する、到達するHe attained his goal of becoming a manager.
attend出席する、世話をするShe will attend the training session.
attract引きつける、魅了するThe new product is attracting many customers.
attribute~のせいにする、特質She attributes her success to hard work.
authorize許可する、認可するThe manager authorized the purchase.
available利用可能な、手に入るThis product is available online.
average平均、平均のThe average score was 85 points.
avoid避ける、回避するYou should avoid unnecessary expenses.


balance残高、均衡、バランスThe balance in your account is $1,000.
bankruptcy破産、倒産The company filed for bankruptcy.
barelyかろうじて、ほとんど~ないHe barely finished the report on time.
bargainお買い得品、交渉This dress is a bargain at this price.
base基礎、土台、~に基づくThe report is based on recent data.
beneficial有益な、役に立つThe new policy is beneficial to employees.
benefit利益、恩恵、利益を得るThe new system benefits the entire team.
bid入札、値をつけるThe company placed a high bid for the contract.
bill請求書、法案I received the utility bill yesterday.
biweekly隔週の、2週間ごとのThe team holds biweekly meetings.
board取締役会、板、搭乗するThe board of directors approved the project.
boost増加、押し上げる、強化するThe new strategy boosted the company's revenue.
boundary境界、限界The property boundaries are clearly defined.
branch支店、枝、分野He works at the branch office in New York.
brandブランド、商標、銘柄Nike is a globally recognized brand.
breach違反、破るThe company was penalized for a security breach.
brief短い、要約、簡潔なShe gave a brief summary of the project.
budget予算、予算を立てるThe team must work within a limited budget.
bulk大量、かさ、大部分Buying in bulk is more cost-effective.
burden負担、重荷Rising costs are a burden on small businesses.
bureaucracy官僚制度、官僚主義Bureaucracy often slows down decision-making.
business事業、業務、商売He started his own business last year.
bypass回避する、迂回するThe project bypassed the usual approval process.


calculate計算する、見積もるPlease calculate the total cost for the project.
capacity収容能力、能力、容量The conference room has a seating capacity of 100.
capture捕らえる、獲得する、引きつけるThe campaign captured the attention of many customers.
careful注意深い、慎重なBe careful when handling sensitive documents.
career職業、経歴He is pursuing a career in finance.
cargo貨物、積み荷The cargo ship arrived at the port yesterday.
case事例、場合、ケースIn this case, we need to find another solution.
cash現金、換金するPayment must be made in cash.
casual何気ない、カジュアルな、臨時のThe office has a casual dress code.
categoryカテゴリー、分類Products are organized into different categories.
cause原因、引き起こすThe delay was caused by technical issues.
caution注意、警告Proceed with caution during the installation.
cease中止する、やめるThe company decided to cease production of the product.
celebrate祝う、称賛するThey will celebrate their 10th anniversary next month.
certificate証明書、免許You need to provide a birth certificate for verification.
challenge難題、挑戦、挑むThis project is a big challenge for our team.
change変更、変化、変えるWe need to adapt to the changing market trends.
charge請求する、料金、責任、充電するA fee will be charged for late payments.
chart図表、グラフThe results are summarized in the chart below.
check確認する、点検するDid you check the report for errors?
circumstance状況、事情We cannot control unforeseen circumstances.
claim主張する、要求する、請求The customer claimed a refund for the damaged product.
clarify明確にする、はっきりさせるCould you clarify the details of this agreement?
classify分類する、等級分けするThe documents are classified as confidential.
client顧客、クライアントOur main clients are international companies.
close近い、閉じる、終了するThe store closes at 8 p.m. every day.
collaborate協力する、共同作業をするThe two teams will collaborate on the new project.
collect集める、回収するData is collected from multiple sources.
combine結合する、組み合わせるWe combined the two departments to improve efficiency.
comfort快適さ、慰め、安心させるThe new chairs add comfort to the workspace.
command命令する、指揮、操るHe commands great respect from his team.
commence開始する、始まるThe project will commence next Monday.
commit専念する、約束する、犯すShe is committed to achieving her goals.
commodity商品、日用品、必需品Oil is a valuable global commodity.
communicate伝える、連絡するTeams must communicate effectively to succeed.
compensate補償する、埋め合わせをするThe company will compensate for any losses.
complain不満を言う、苦情を申し立てるSeveral customers complained about the delay.
complete完了する、完成する、完全なPlease complete the form before submission.
compliance遵守、従うことAll processes must be in compliance with company policies.
complicated複雑なThe instructions were too complicated to understand.
component部品、構成要素This device has several important components.
comprehensive包括的な、広範なThe report provides a comprehensive analysis of sales.
confirm確認する、確証するI will confirm your reservation by email.
consequence結果、影響The consequences of the decision were severe.
consider考慮する、検討するWe need to consider all possible solutions.
consistent一貫した、矛盾しないHer performance has been consistent throughout the year.
consult相談する、参照するPlease consult your manager for further details.
consumer消費者、顧客Consumers are demanding higher quality products.
contain含む、収容する、抑えるThe package contains three different tools.
contract契約、契約する、縮小するThe company signed a new contract with its supplier.
contribute貢献する、寄付する、提供するHe contributed valuable ideas to the meeting.
convenient便利な、都合が良いOnline banking is very convenient for users.
convert変換する、転換するThe file was converted into PDF format.
coordinate調整する、組織するShe will coordinate the schedule for the event.


damage損害、被害、損なうThe product was damaged during shipment.
dataデータ、資料The team analyzed the survey data carefully.
deadline締め切り、期日The project deadline is next Friday.
deal取引、扱う、対処するThey closed a major deal with a new client.
debate討論、議論、討論するThe topic was debated at length during the meeting.
debt借金、負債The company is struggling with large debts.
decade10年間、10年Over the past decade, the industry has grown significantly.
decide決定する、決めるThey decided to expand the business overseas.
decision決定、決断The final decision will be made by the manager.
declare宣言する、申告するTravelers must declare all taxable goods.
decline減少、断る、低下するSales have declined over the last quarter.
dedicate専念する、捧げるShe dedicated herself to the success of the project.
defect欠陥、不良The product was recalled due to a manufacturing defect.
deficit赤字、不足The company is facing a large budget deficit.
define定義する、明確にするCan you define the objectives of this project?
definitely絶対に、確実にThe meeting will definitely start on time.
delay遅れ、遅延、延期するThe flight was delayed due to bad weather.
delegate代表者、委任するThe manager delegated tasks to the team members.
deliver配達する、提供する、実行するWe guarantee to deliver the package tomorrow.
demand需要、要求する、必要とするThere is a high demand for skilled workers.
demonstrate示す、実演する、証明するThe new product was demonstrated at the trade show.
department部門、学科He works in the sales department.
depend依存する、~次第であるThe project's success depends on our teamwork.
deposit預金、頭金、預けるA deposit is required to confirm your reservation.
describe説明する、描写するCan you describe the features of this software?
design設計する、デザイン、計画The team is working on the new website design.
desire欲求、望むShe has a strong desire to succeed.
desk机、デスクThere is a computer on my desk.
despite~にもかかわらずDespite the challenges, the project was completed on time.
detail詳細、詳細に述べるPlease provide the details of the schedule.
determine決定する、決意するThe results will determine our next steps.
develop開発する、発展するThe company plans to develop a new software tool.
device装置、デバイスThis device can connect to Wi-Fi.
devote捧げる、充てるHe devoted his time to improving his skills.
diagnose診断する、原因を突き止めるThe technician diagnosed the issue quickly.
diagram図、図解The diagram shows the process flow clearly.
dialogue対話、会話The managers had a constructive dialogue.
differ異なる、意見が異なるThe two proposals differ in approach.
difficult難しい、大変なIt was a difficult task to complete on time.
digitalデジタルの、電子的なThe company focuses on digital marketing.
direct指導する、直接の、指示するHe gave direct instructions to his team.
directory名簿、ディレクトリYou can find his contact details in the company directory.
disagree意見が合わない、反対するI disagree with your assessment of the situation.
discuss議論する、話し合うLet's discuss the project during the meeting.
display展示する、表示する、展示The product is displayed in the store window.
distribute配布する、分配するThe brochures will be distributed to all attendees.
document書類、記録、文書化するPlease submit all required documents by Monday.
domestic国内の、家庭のThe company focuses on the domestic market.
donate寄付する、提供するShe donated a large sum to the charity.
draft下書き、草案、ドラフトPlease prepare a draft of the report.
drastic劇的な、思い切ったThe company took drastic measures to cut costs.
duty義務、職務、関税It is his duty to supervise the team.


earn稼ぐ、得る、獲得するShe earns a high salary at her new job.
ease和らげる、容易さ、緩和するThis software will ease your workload.
efficient効率的な、有能なThe new system is much more efficient.
effort努力、取り組みHe made an effort to finish the project on time.
elaborate詳細に述べる、精巧なCould you elaborate on your proposal?
elect選ぶ、選出するShe was elected as the new team leader.
eliminate取り除く、排除するWe need to eliminate unnecessary expenses.
emerge現れる、浮かび上がるA new leader emerged from the discussions.
emphasize強調するThe speaker emphasized the importance of teamwork.
employee従業員、社員The company has hired 10 new employees.
employer雇用主、会社The employer is responsible for providing benefits.
enable可能にする、~をできるようにするThe software enables users to share files easily.
encourage励ます、奨励するThe manager encouraged the team to think creatively.
endorse支持する、推薦する、承認するThe celebrity endorsed the new product.
energyエネルギー、活力He has a lot of energy and enthusiasm for his work.
engage従事する、参加する、引きつけるThe company aims to engage customers online.
enhance高める、強化するTraining programs enhance employee skills.
enormous非常に大きい、莫大なThe company made enormous profits last year.
ensure確実にする、保証するPlease ensure all documents are submitted on time.
enter入る、入力するShe entered the meeting room quietly.
enterprise企業、事業、冒険心He works for a large global enterprise.
entire全体の、完全なThe entire team attended the meeting.
entrance入り口、入場The entrance to the building is on Main Street.
environment環境、周囲の状況We must protect the natural environment.
equip装備する、備え付けるThe laboratory is equipped with new technology.
equivalent同等の、相当するHis skills are equivalent to those of an expert.
errorエラー、誤りPlease check the report for errors.
establish設立する、確立する、築くThe company was established in 1995.
estimate見積もり、見積もるThe repair costs are estimated to be $2,000.
evaluate評価する、査定するThe manager will evaluate the team's performance.
eventイベント、出来事The annual company event will be held next month.
eventually最終的に、やがてHe eventually became the CEO of the company.
evidence証拠、証明The report provided clear evidence of success.
evolve進化する、発展するThe company has evolved into a global leader.
exact正確なThe exact date of the meeting is not yet decided.
examine調査する、検査するThe technician examined the equipment carefully.
exceed超える、上回るSales exceeded expectations this quarter.
excellent優れた、素晴らしいShe gave an excellent presentation.
exception例外、特例With the exception of one person, everyone attended.
exclude除外するThe cost of meals is excluded from the price.
execute実行する、遂行するThe plan was executed successfully.
exercise運動、練習、行使するRegular exercise improves health.
exhibit展示する、示す、展示物The artist's work is being exhibited in a gallery.
expand拡大する、広げるThe company plans to expand its operations overseas.
expect予想する、期待するWe expect the project to be completed on time.
expense費用、出費Business expenses will be reimbursed.
experience経験、体験She has 10 years of experience in marketing.
expert専門家、熟練者He is an expert in financial analysis.
explain説明する、明確にするCan you explain how this system works?
explore探索する、調査するThe team will explore new market opportunities.
export輸出、輸出するThe company exports products to several countries.
extend延長する、拡張するThe manager extended the deadline by two days.
external外部の、外部The company hired external consultants.
extra追加の、余分なWe need extra time to finish the project.


facilitate促進する、容易にするThe new software will facilitate communication.
facility施設、設備、機能The company built a new manufacturing facility.
factor要因、要素Price is a key factor when choosing a supplier.
fail失敗する、落ちるThe project failed to meet its objectives.
failure失敗、故障、機能停止A system failure caused a delay in production.
fair公平な、公正な、展示会The decision was fair to all employees.
fall落ちる、下がる、減少Sales fell significantly last month.
familiarよく知られた、精通しているShe is familiar with the company’s policies.
fare運賃、料金The bus fare has increased by 10%.
fasten固定する、締めるPlease fasten your seatbelt.
favor好意、支持、賛成Could you do me a favor and send the report?
feature特徴、機能、特徴とするThe smartphone features a high-quality camera.
federal連邦の、国のThe federal government announced new policies.
fee料金、手数料There is a $10 processing fee for applications.
feedback意見、フィードバックWe appreciate your feedback on the product.
fewerより少ないThis year, we received fewer complaints.
figure数字、図、人物、考えるSales figures were higher than expected.
fileファイル、書類、提出する、整理するPlease file the documents in the cabinet.
fill埋める、満たすShe filled the form with the required information.
finance財務、資金、融資するThe company is seeking financing for expansion.
financial財政の、金融のHe works as a financial analyst.
find見つける、発見するWe need to find a solution to this issue.
fine素晴らしい、罰金、細かいThe company was fined for violating the regulations.
firm会社、堅い、安定したShe works at a law firm in the city.
fit適合する、合わせるThe new software does not fit our requirements.
fix修理する、固定する、解決するThey fixed the issue with the network quickly.
flexible柔軟な、融通の利くThe company offers flexible working hours.
focus焦点、集中するThe discussion focused on improving productivity.
fold折る、折り畳むPlease fold the documents neatly.
follow従う、ついていくFollow the instructions carefully.
forbid禁止するSmoking is forbidden in this area.
forecast予測、予報The weather forecast predicts rain tomorrow.
foreign外国の、異質なThe company deals mainly with foreign clients.
formal正式な、公式のHe sent a formal letter to the board.
format形式、書式The file is saved in PDF format.
former前の、以前のShe is a former employee of the company.
fortunate幸運な、運の良いWe were fortunate to finish the project early.
foundation基盤、設立、基金The foundation of the building is strong.
frame枠組み、枠、骨組みThe report provides a framework for discussion.
franchiseフランチャイズ、営業権They bought a franchise for a popular fast-food chain.
frequent頻繁な、頻繁に訪れるHe is a frequent visitor to our office.
fresh新しい、新鮮なThe team came up with fresh ideas.
friendly友好的な、親しみやすいThe staff is very friendly and helpful.
frustrate挫折させる、いら立たせるThe delays frustrated the entire team.
fuel燃料、刺激するRising fuel costs have affected transportation.
fulfill果たす、満たすHe fulfilled all his responsibilities on time.
function機能、働き、機能するThe main function of the tool is to save time.
fund資金、基金、資金提供するThe company raised funds for a new project.
fundamental基本的な、根本的なTeamwork is fundamental to the company's success.
furniture家具The office furniture was replaced last month.


gain得る、獲得する、増加The company gained a significant profit this year.
gather集める、収集する、集まるWe will gather data for the next report.
generate生み出す、発生させるThe advertisement campaign generated a lot of interest.
generous寛大な、気前の良いHe made a generous donation to the charity.
global世界的な、地球規模のThe company operates on a global scale.
goal目標、目的Our main goal is to increase customer satisfaction.
goods商品、品物The store sells a variety of electronic goods.
govern統治する、管理するThe organization is governed by strict rules.
gradually徐々に、段階的にSales have gradually improved over the year.
grant補助金、許可する、与えるThe company received a government grant.
graphic図表の、視覚的なThe report includes several graphic illustrations.
gratitude感謝、謝意She expressed her gratitude for the opportunity.
guarantee保証する、保証The product comes with a one-year guarantee.
guideline指針、ガイドラインPlease follow the safety guidelines carefully.


habit習慣、癖Developing good habits improves productivity.
handle扱う、処理する、対応するShe will handle customer complaints today.
harm害、損害、害を与えるThe mistake caused no harm to the project.
harsh厳しい、過酷なThe new regulations are too harsh.
headquarters本社、本部The company’s headquarters is located in New York.
healthcare医療、健康管理The company provides excellent healthcare benefits.
highlight強調する、目立たせるHe highlighted the importance of team effort.
hire雇う、採用するThe company plans to hire 50 new employees.
hold開催する、保持する、持つThe meeting will be held in the conference room.
honest正直な、誠実なShe gave an honest opinion on the matter.
host主催する、司会者、ホストThe company will host the annual conference.
household家庭、世帯Household expenses have increased recently.
huge巨大な、莫大なThe company made a huge investment in new technology.
humble謙虚な、控えめなDespite his success, he remains humble.
hurry急ぐ、急がせるHurry up! The meeting is about to start.
hypothesis仮説、前提The scientist tested the hypothesis in the lab.
hostile敵意のある、厳しいThe changes faced some hostile reactions.
human resources人事、人材管理The human resources department handles recruitment.
humiliate恥をかかせる、屈辱を与えるThe manager's remarks humiliated the team.
hinder妨げる、遅らせるPoor communication can hinder progress.
handle手で扱う、処理するHe carefully handled the fragile package.
hazard危険、危険要因The chemical poses a hazard to the environment.
heritage遺産、伝統The city is proud of its cultural heritage.
harvest収穫、収穫するFarmers began to harvest their crops.
hintヒント、手がかり、示唆She gave a hint about the upcoming changes.
hopeful希望に満ちた、期待しているThe team is hopeful about the project’s success.
hostility敵意、対立There was clear hostility between the two sides.
honor名誉、栄誉、称えるHe was honored for his contributions to the industry.
headline見出し、ヘッドラインThe article made the headlines in all newspapers.
horizon地平線、視野The company is exploring new horizons.
humorユーモア、面白さHis speech was full of humor and wit.
hybrid混合の、ハイブリッドThe company introduced a hybrid work model.


ideal理想的な、理想This solution is ideal for small businesses.
identify特定する、識別する、確認するCan you identify the cause of the issue?
ignore無視する、気にしないHe ignored the warnings from his manager.
illustrate説明する、例示する、図解するThe chart illustrates the company’s progress.
image画像、イメージ、印象The company’s brand image is very strong.
imagine想像する、思い描くCan you imagine working in a foreign country?
immediate即時の、直接のWe need an immediate response to this issue.
impact影響、影響を与えるThe new policy had a major impact on sales.
implement実行する、導入するThe company will implement the new system next month.
import輸入、輸入するThe company imports goods from Asia.
important重要な、大切なIt’s important to complete the project on time.
impose課す、押しつけるNew regulations were imposed on the company.
impress印象づける、感動させるHer presentation really impressed the audience.
improve改善する、向上させるThe new strategy improved team performance.
incentive動機、刺激、奨励The company offers incentives for top performers.
include含む、含めるThe price includes shipping and taxes.
income収入、所得His monthly income has increased significantly.
increase増加する、増やす、増加Sales increased by 10% last month.
indicate示す、指し示すThe report indicates a rise in productivity.
industry産業、業界The automobile industry has grown rapidly.
inform知らせる、通知するPlease inform your manager about the changes.
initial最初の、初期のThe initial results were very promising.
initiative主導権、イニシアチブ、構想The new initiative focuses on sustainability.
injuryけが、損害The worker sustained an injury on the job.
inquire尋ねる、問い合わせるI would like to inquire about your services.
insert挿入する、入れるPlease insert your card into the machine.
insight洞察、見識The manager provided valuable insights during the meeting.
inspect点検する、調査するThe engineer inspected the equipment for any faults.
inspire奮起させる、刺激を与えるThe leader’s speech inspired the entire team.
install設置する、導入するThe technician installed the new software.
instance例、事例For instance, sales increased by 20%.
institute設立する、機関、協会The research institute focuses on innovation.
instruct指示する、指導するHe instructed the team to start immediately.
instrument器具、道具The technician used a special instrument to test the device.
insure保険をかける、保証するThe building is insured against fire.
integrate統合する、融合させるThe new system integrates all departments.
intention意図、目的It was not his intention to cause any trouble.
interest興味、利息、関心She showed great interest in the proposal.
interview面接、インタビュー、面接をするThe manager interviewed three candidates.
introduce紹介する、導入するThe company introduced a new product line.
invest投資するThe company plans to invest in new technology.
investigate調査する、捜査するThe police are investigating the incident.
invitation招待、招待状I received an invitation to the annual event.
involve巻き込む、関与する、含むThe project involves collaboration between teams.
issue問題、発行する、課題The meeting focused on addressing critical issues.
item項目、品目、アイテムThe items are listed in the catalog.


job仕事、職務He started a new job last month.
join加わる、参加する、つなぐShe decided to join the marketing team.
joint共同の、共有のThis is a joint project between two companies.
journey旅、道のりThe journey to success takes hard work.
judge判断する、裁判官、審査するIt is too early to judge the outcome.
judgment判断、判決The manager made a fair judgment.
justちょうど、公正な、正当なI just finished writing the report.
justice正義、公正、司法Everyone deserves justice and equality.
justify正当化する、理由を説明するCan you justify the high cost of the project?
junior年下の、後輩のHe works as a junior analyst at the company.
jump跳ぶ、急増するSales jumped by 20% this quarter.
junkがらくた、廃物Please get rid of any junk files on the computer.
jeopardize危険にさらす、台無しにするDelays could jeopardize the success of the project.


keep保つ、保持する、続けるPlease keep the documents in a safe place.
key重要な、鍵、要点Communication is the key to success.
kick off開始する、始まるThe meeting will kick off at 10 a.m.
kilogramキログラムThe package weighs about 5 kilograms.
kind種類、親切なThis kind of problem requires careful planning.
knowledge知識、知見He has extensive knowledge of the industry.
known知られている、既知のThis brand is known for its quality products.
knockノックする、打つPlease knock before entering the office.
keynote基調、基調演説The CEO delivered the keynote speech.
keen熱心な、鋭いShe has a keen interest in marketing.
keep up with追いつく、遅れないようにするIt’s important to keep up with industry trends.


labelラベル、表示、ラベルを貼るPlease label all the boxes clearly.
labor労働、労働力、働くThe company relies on skilled labor.
lack不足、欠如、欠けるThe project failed due to a lack of funding.
land着陸する、土地The plane will land at 3 p.m.
landscape風景、状況The business landscape has changed dramatically.
large大きな、広いThe company operates on a large scale.
launch発売する、開始する、打ち上げるThe company will launch a new product next month.
law法律、法則The new law will affect all businesses.
layout配置、レイアウトThe layout of the office was redesigned.
lead導く、先導する、リードShe will lead the team through the project.
leaderリーダー、指導者He is a natural leader in the organization.
leadership指導力、リーダーシップGood leadership is essential for success.
leak漏れる、漏れThere was a water leak in the ceiling.
learn学ぶ、習得するShe is learning how to use the new software.
lease賃貸する、賃貸契約They signed a lease for the new office space.
leave去る、残す、休暇I will leave the office at 5 p.m.
lecture講義、講演、講義をするThe professor gave an interesting lecture.
legal法的な、合法のIt is important to meet all legal requirements.
legislation法律、立法New legislation will affect the entire industry.
length長さ、期間The length of the meeting will be two hours.
lessより少ない、少ないWe spent less money this year compared to last year.
levelレベル、段階The new training program improved skill levels.
liability責任、負債The company’s liabilities exceeded its assets.
license免許、許可、許可するYou need a license to operate this equipment.
limit制限、限度、制限するThe company set a limit on overtime hours.
line線、列、商品ライン、並ぶThe new product line will be released soon.
linkつなぐ、関連付ける、リンクThe report links performance to employee satisfaction.
listリスト、一覧、リストにするPlease list all the tasks in order of priority.
load荷物、積み込む、負担The truck is fully loaded with supplies.
loan融資、貸付、貸すThe bank approved a loan for the project.
local地元の、地域のWe need to attract more local customers.
locate位置する、見つけるThe office is located in the downtown area.
location場所、位置The new store location has better visibility.
logical論理的な、筋の通ったHis proposal was clear and logical.
long-term長期のThis is a long-term investment.
lose失う、負ける、損をするThe company cannot afford to lose any clients.
loss損失、失うことThe company reported a significant loss.
loyal忠実な、誠実なThe company rewards loyal customers.


maintain維持する、保つIt’s important to maintain high quality standards.
major主要な、大きな、専攻The company made a major announcement yesterday.
management経営、管理Effective management leads to better results.
manufacture製造する、製造、製品This factory manufactures electronic devices.
market市場、売り込むThey plan to expand into the Asian market.
marketingマーケティング、販売促進The marketing team launched a new campaign.
match一致する、合う、試合The candidate’s skills match the job requirements.
material材料、素材、資料All necessary materials have been provided.
matter問題、重要であるCost is a matter of concern for many companies.
maximum最大の、最高のThe maximum capacity of the room is 100 people.
measure測定する、手段、措置We need to measure the impact of the changes.
mechanism仕組み、機構The mechanism for handling complaints is clear.
mediaメディア、手段The company uses social media to promote its brand.
medical医療の、医学のHe received medical treatment for his injury.
meet会う、満たすThe project must meet the deadline.
mention言及する、述べるHe mentioned the new policy in his speech.
method方法、手法We need to find a better method for training employees.
minimum最小の、最低限のThe minimum payment is due next week.
minor小さな、重要でないThere are only minor changes to the contract.
mission任務、使命Our mission is to provide quality service.
mistake間違い、誤りA mistake in the report caused confusion.
modern現代的な、最新のThe office is equipped with modern technology.
modify修正する、変更するPlease modify the document before submission.
monitor監視する、モニターThe manager will monitor the team’s progress.
monthly毎月の、月ごとのThe company publishes a monthly newsletter.
motive動機、目的His motive for starting the business was to help others.
move動く、引っ越す、進めるThe company plans to move its headquarters.
multiple複数の、多様なThe company has multiple offices worldwide.
mutual相互の、共通のThe contract was signed for mutual benefit.


narrow狭い、絞り込むWe need to narrow the options to three.
nation国家、国Japan is a leading nation in technology.
national国の、国家の、全国的なThe company expanded to a national level.
native出生地の、母国のShe is a native speaker of English.
natural自然の、当然のNatural resources are important for the economy.
nearlyほとんど、もう少しでThe project is nearly complete.
necessary必要な、不可欠なIt’s necessary to follow the company’s rules.
need必要、必要とするWe need more time to complete the task.
negotiate交渉するThey are negotiating the terms of the contract.
negotiation交渉、話し合いThe negotiation process was smooth.
neighbor隣人、近所の人Our company’s office is next to our neighbor’s.
networkネットワーク、人脈、網Building a strong network is essential for success.
neutral中立の、公平なThe mediator remained neutral during the discussion.
never決して~ないHe never misses a deadline.
new新しい、初めてのThe company launched a new product last week.
newsニュース、知らせThe news about the merger surprised everyone.
next次の、隣のThe next meeting is scheduled for Monday.
nice良い、素晴らしいIt’s nice to meet you in person.
nominate指名する、推薦するShe was nominated for the position of manager.
normal通常の、標準のIt’s normal to have some delays in large projects.
notable注目すべき、顕著なThe company made notable progress this year.
note注意する、記録する、メモPlease note the changes to the schedule.
notice気づく、通知、告知I received a notice about the policy update.
notify通知する、知らせるPlease notify us of any changes in advance.
novel新しい、斬新な、(名詞)小説The team introduced a novel approach to the issue.
nowadays最近は、現代ではNowadays, remote work has become common.
numerous多数の、たくさんのThe company received numerous complaints about the service.
nurture育てる、養育するGood leaders nurture talent within the team.


objective目標、目的、公平なThe main objective of the meeting is to finalize the plan.
obligation義務、責務Employees have an obligation to follow company policies.
observe観察する、守るPlease observe the safety guidelines.
obtain手に入れる、獲得するYou need to obtain permission before using the materials.
obvious明らかな、はっきりしたThe benefits of the new system are obvious.
occasion場合、機会This is a perfect occasion to celebrate our success.
occasionally時々、たまにI occasionally work from home.
occupy占める、使用するThe meeting room is currently occupied.
occur起こる、発生するDelays may occur due to bad weather.
offer提供する、申し出、オファーThe company offered me a new position.
official公式の、公的な、役人The official statement will be released tomorrow.
offset相殺する、埋め合わせるThe increase in revenue offset the losses.
omit省略する、除外するPlease omit unnecessary details from the report.
on behalf of~を代表して、~の代わりにI’m speaking on behalf of my team.
ongoing進行中の、継続的なThe ongoing project will be completed soon.
operate操作する、運営するThis machine operates automatically.
operation操作、業務、手術The company’s operations have expanded overseas.
opportunity機会、好機This event is a great opportunity for networking.
opponent相手、敵対者He faced a strong opponent in the debate.
option選択肢、オプションYou have the option to renew the contract.
order注文、命令、順序、注文するI placed an order for office supplies.
ordinary普通の、通常のIt was an ordinary day at work.
organization組織、団体He works for a non-profit organization.
organize整理する、組織する、計画するShe will organize the team’s schedule.
origin起源、出所The origin of the issue has been identified.
original元の、独自の、最初のPlease submit the original copy of the document.
outcome結果、成果The outcome of the negotiations was positive.
outdated時代遅れの、古くなったThe software is outdated and needs updating.
outgoing外向的な、出発するThe outgoing CEO gave his final speech today.
outlet販売店、コンセント、出口The company has several retail outlets across the city.
outline概要、要点、概説するThe report outlines the main points of the project.
outstanding傑出した、未払いのShe received an award for her outstanding performance.
overall全体の、全体としてThe overall result was very satisfactory.
overcome克服する、乗り越えるThe team overcame several challenges.
overdue期限を過ぎたThe payment is overdue by two weeks.
overlap重複する、重なるThere is an overlap between the two tasks.
oversee監督する、見守るThe manager oversees all operations.
overtime残業、時間外労働The company pays for any overtime work.
own所有する、自分自身のShe owns a small business in the city.
ownership所有権、所有The ownership of the property was transferred.


participate参加するEmployees are encouraged to participate in the workshop.
particular特定の、特別なThis issue requires particular attention.
partnerパートナー、提携するThey are our business partners.
passenger乗客The number of passengers on the flight has increased.
patent特許、特許を取るThe company filed a patent for the new technology.
pay支払う、支払いWe need to pay the invoice by next Friday.
payment支払い、支払金The payment was made on time.
pending未決定の、保留中のThe approval for the new plan is still pending.
perform実行する、演じる、業務を行うThe team performed well under pressure.
performance業績、性能、実演The company evaluates employee performance annually.
permit許可、許可証、許可するYou need a permit to park here.
persuade説得するHe persuaded the client to sign the contract.
phase段階、フェーズThe project will be completed in three phases.
phenomenon現象、事象Remote work has become a global phenomenon.
pick選ぶ、拾うShe picked the best candidate for the role.
place場所、置く、配置するPlease place the documents on my desk.
plan計画、計画するThe manager outlined the plan for next year.
policy方針、規定The company has a strict refund policy.
portfolioポートフォリオ、作品集She presented her design portfolio to the client.
positive前向きな、肯定的なShe has a positive attitude toward challenges.
possess所有するHe possesses strong leadership skills.
postpone延期するThe meeting was postponed to next Monday.
potential潜在的な、可能性The new market has great potential for growth.
practical実用的な、現実的なThe training provided practical knowledge.
practice練習、実践、習慣Regular practice is essential for success.
precaution予防措置、注意Take precaution to avoid further issues.
predict予測するExperts predict a rise in fuel prices.
preference好み、優先He expressed his preference for the new design.
prepare準備する、整えるWe need to prepare for the client’s arrival.
presence存在、出席Her presence at the meeting was greatly appreciated.
present提示する、現在の、出席しているHe will present the findings at the conference.
preserve保つ、保存するEfforts are being made to preserve the environment.
pressure圧力、重圧The team is under pressure to meet the deadline.
prevent防ぐ、阻止するThe new measures will prevent future problems.
previous前の、以前のThe previous report was submitted last week.
primary主要な、第一のOur primary objective is to increase sales.
priority優先事項、優先度Safety is our top priority.
proceed進行する、続行するPlease proceed with the next phase of the project.
process過程、処理、処理するThe application process takes two weeks.
produce生産する、作り出すThe company produces high-quality products.
product製品、商品The new product will launch next month.
profit利益、利益を得るThe company made a significant profit this year.
programプログラム、計画、プログラムするThe training program lasts for three weeks.
progress進展、進歩、進むThe team is making good progress on the project.
projectプロジェクト、計画、予測するThe new project will be completed by December.
promote昇進させる、促進するThe campaign aims to promote healthy lifestyles.
proof証拠、証明Can you provide proof of purchase?
proposal提案、提案書The manager approved the proposal.
prospect見込み、可能性、将来性The company has good prospects for growth.
protect守る、保護するWe need to protect sensitive customer data.
provide提供する、与えるThe company provides excellent customer service.
public公共の、公のThe report is available to the public.
purchase購入する、購入I would like to purchase this product.
purpose目的、意図The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the new strategy.
pursue追求する、従事するHe decided to pursue a career in finance.


qualify資格を得る、適任であるShe qualifies for the management position.
qualification資格、能力、適性The job requires specific qualifications.
quality品質、質、上質なWe ensure the quality of all our products.
quantity量、数量We need a large quantity of raw materials.
quarter四半期、4分の1、地域Sales increased in the last quarter.
quarterly四半期ごとの、年4回のThe company releases quarterly financial reports.
questionnaireアンケート、質問票Please fill out the customer satisfaction questionnaire.
queue列、順番待ち、列に並ぶPeople queued up to purchase the new product.
quick速い、迅速なHe gave a quick response to the question.
quickly速く、迅速にThe issue was resolved quickly.
quiet静かな、穏やかな、静けさThe office is very quiet in the morning.
quitやめる、退職するShe decided to quit her job to study abroad.
quote見積もり、引用、見積もるThe supplier provided a price quote for the project.


raise上げる、引き上げる、昇給The company decided to raise salaries by 5%.
range範囲、及ぶThe price range for this product is $100-$200.
rate率、料金、評価するThe hotel offers affordable rates for families.
reach到達する、手が届くWe finally reached our sales target.
reaction反応、リアクションHis reaction to the news was very positive.
readily容易に、すぐにInformation is readily available online.
realize実現する、気づくHe realized his goal of becoming a manager.
reasonable手ごろな、妥当なThe price is reasonable for the quality.
reassure安心させる、保証するThe manager reassured the team about their performance.
recall思い出す、回収するThe company recalled its defective products.
receipt領収書、受け取ることPlease keep the receipt for future reference.
receive受け取るI received your email this morning.
recent最近のThe company’s recent performance has improved.
recognize認識する、認めるShe was recognized for her hard work.
recommend推薦する、勧めるI recommend this product to all my clients.
record記録、記録するThe company recorded a 20% increase in sales.
recover回復する、取り戻すThe market is starting to recover from the downturn.
reduce減少させる、削減するWe need to reduce costs to stay competitive.
refer言及する、参照するPlease refer to the manual for instructions.
reference参照、推薦、参考You will need at least two references for the job.
reflect反映する、反射するThese numbers reflect the company's progress.
refund払い戻し、返金、払い戻すYou can request a refund within 30 days.
refuse拒否する、断るHe refused to sign the agreement.
regardみなす、考慮、関してShe is highly regarded for her expertise.
regulation規則、規制New regulations will affect all businesses.
reject拒絶する、却下するThe proposal was rejected by the committee.
relate関連する、関係づけるThis issue relates to the previous discussion.
relation関係、関連Good customer relations are essential for success.
relevant関連のある、適切なPlease provide information that is relevant to the topic.
reliable信頼できる、頼りになるWe need a reliable supplier for this project.
relief安心、軽減、救済The team felt great relief after meeting the deadline.
remain残る、~のままであるThe situation remains unchanged.
remark発言、述べるHe made an interesting remark during the meeting.
remind思い出させるPlease remind me to call the client tomorrow.
remove取り除く、撤去するThe product was removed from the catalog.
repair修理する、修理The technician will repair the broken machine.
replace交換する、取って代わるWe need to replace the old equipment soon.
report報告する、報告書She submitted the monthly sales report.
represent代表する、表すHe will represent the company at the event.
require必要とする、要求するThis job requires excellent communication skills.
reschedule予定を変更する、再調整するThe meeting has been rescheduled to next week.
reserve予約する、確保する、控えるI reserved a table for four at the restaurant.
resident住民、居住者The residents expressed concerns about the new policy.
resolve解決する、決意するThe team managed to resolve the issue quickly.
resource資源、資産The company’s main resource is its workforce.
respect尊敬、尊重するWe must respect everyone’s opinion.
respond返答する、応じるThe client responded positively to the proposal.
responsibility責任、義務It is your responsibility to complete the task.
rest休息、残り、休むYou should take a rest after working long hours.
restrict制限する、限定するAccess to the area is restricted to employees.
result結果、結果として生じるThe new strategy resulted in higher profits.
retain保持する、維持するThe company aims to retain its top talent.
revenue収益、収入The company’s revenue increased by 15%.
review見直す、再検討、レビューLet’s review the report before submission.
revise修正する、改訂するThe proposal needs to be revised.
risk危険、リスク、危険を冒すExpanding into a new market always involves risk.


safety安全、無事Safety is the top priority for our company.
salary給料、給与She receives a competitive salary.
sales売上、販売The company’s sales increased by 20%.
satisfy満足させるThe product satisfied all customer needs.
schedule予定、スケジュール、予定を立てるThe meeting is scheduled for 10 a.m.
scope範囲、領域The scope of the project is quite broad.
search探す、検索する、探索They are searching for a new supplier.
section部分、区分、セクションThe report is divided into three sections.
secure確保する、安全な、守るThe company secured a major contract.
security安全、警備Security measures were improved at the office.
select選ぶ、選択するPlease select the option that fits best.
sensitive敏感な、繊細なThis information is highly sensitive.
separate分ける、分離する、別々のPlease keep the documents in separate folders.
sequence連続、順序The tasks must be completed in sequence.
serve提供する、役に立つThe hotel serves breakfast from 7 a.m.
serviceサービス、業務、保守Customer service is available 24/7.
sessionセッション、会議、講習The training session begins at noon.
set設定する、置く、一式They set a deadline for the project.
settle解決する、定住する、落ち着くThe team settled the issue quickly.
severalいくつかの、いくつものSeveral employees attended the conference.
share共有する、分け合う、株She shared her ideas during the meeting.
shift変える、移動、シフトThe manager’s focus shifted to quality control.
shortage不足、欠乏There is a shortage of skilled workers.
show見せる、示す、展示The chart shows the growth in revenue.
significant重要な、かなりのThere was a significant increase in profits.
similar似ている、同様のThe two proposals are very similar.
simple簡単な、単純なThe instructions are clear and simple.
situation状況、立場The current situation requires quick action.
skillスキル、技能Communication skills are essential for this job.
solution解決策、解答We need a solution to the current problem.
source源、出所、情報源The data came from a reliable source.
specific明確な、具体的なPlease provide specific examples in your report.
staffスタッフ、従業員The company is hiring additional staff.
standard標準、基準、標準のThe product meets international standards.
statement声明、明細書Please review the financial statement.
status状態、地位The status of the order is “in progress.”
steady安定した、着実なThe company has seen steady growth.
stock在庫、株式The item is currently out of stock.
strategy戦略、計画We need a new strategy to increase market share.
strict厳しい、厳格なThe manager has a strict policy on attendance.
structure構造、仕組みThe building’s structure is very modern.
submit提出するPlease submit your report by Friday.
subsequentその後の、次のThe team will meet to discuss subsequent steps.
substitute代わりの、代替、代用するWe used a substitute material for production.
succeed成功するHe succeeded in completing the project on time.
success成功、成果The project was a huge success.
suggest提案する、示唆するI suggest we take a short break.
summary要約、まとめThe report ends with a brief summary.
supply供給、提供、供給するThe supplier failed to deliver the order on time.
support支える、支持する、支援The manager supports employee development.
surplus余剰、黒字The company reported a surplus in revenue.
survey調査、アンケート、調査するThe customer survey received positive feedback.
suspend一時停止する、保留するThe service was suspended due to maintenance.
sustainable持続可能なThe company focuses on sustainable growth.


target目標、ターゲット、目標にするThe sales team exceeded their monthly target.
task任務、仕事、タスクThe manager assigned several tasks to the team.
tax税、課税するThe company must pay corporate tax annually.
technical技術的な、専門のShe provided technical support to the engineers.
technology技術、テクノロジーAdvances in technology have improved productivity.
temporary一時的な、臨時のWe hired temporary staff for the busy season.
tend傾向がある、世話をするSales tend to increase during the holidays.
term期間、用語、条件The contract specifies the payment terms.
terminate終了する、打ち切るThe agreement was terminated due to non-compliance.
testテスト、試験、テストするThe new software will undergo rigorous testing.
textテキスト、文章、メッセージPlease send me a text message when you arrive.
theory理論、学説His theory was proven correct after testing.
thorough徹底的な、完全なThe report provides a thorough analysis of the data.
though~だけれども、しかしThough the task was difficult, they finished it on time.
through~を通じて、~を通過してThe company grew through effective leadership.
tightきつい、厳しい、余裕のないWe are working under a tight deadline.
timetable時間割、予定表The project’s timetable has been finalized.
tipヒント、助言、先端She gave me useful tips for the presentation.
titleタイトル、肩書き、題名His official title is Director of Sales.
tool道具、ツールThis software is a useful tool for designers.
topic話題、テーマThe main topic of discussion was the budget.
total合計、合計の、完全なThe total cost of the project is $5,000.
track追跡する、軌道、記録The software helps track project progress.
trade貿易、取引、交換するThe company expanded its trade with Europe.
tradition伝統、習慣The company maintains its long-standing traditions.
traffic交通、通信量The website experienced heavy traffic last week.
train訓練する、教育する、列車The manager will train the new employees.
transaction取引、業務The transaction was completed successfully.
transfer移動、移す、転勤She transferred to the New York office.
translate翻訳する、変換するPlease translate this document into English.
transport輸送する、運ぶ、輸送The goods were transported by air.
treat扱う、治療する、もてなすThe manager treated all employees fairly.
trend傾向、トレンドThe latest trend in marketing is digital advertising.
trial試み、試験、試用The new system is currently in a trial phase.
trigger引き起こす、きっかけThe announcement triggered a strong reaction.
trust信頼、信じるThe company has earned the trust of its clients.
turn回る、向ける、順番It’s your turn to present the report.
type種類、タイプ、入力するWhat type of software does your company use?
typical典型的な、標準的なThis is a typical example of good teamwork.


ultimate最終の、究極のOur ultimate goal is to increase market share.
unable~できないHe was unable to attend the meeting.
unavailable利用できない、不在のThe manager is currently unavailable.
uncertain不確かな、不明確なThe outcome of the project is still uncertain.
undergo経験する、受けるThe building will undergo renovations next month.
understand理解するIt’s important to understand customer needs.
understanding理解、理解力He has a good understanding of the situation.
undertake引き受ける、取り組むThe team undertook a challenging project.
unexpected予想外の、思いがけないThe delay was caused by unexpected circumstances.
unfortunately残念ながら、あいにくUnfortunately, the shipment was delayed.
uniform制服、一様な、統一のEmployees are required to wear a uniform.
unique独自の、唯一のThis company offers unique solutions to its clients.
unit単位、部門、装置Each unit in the building has its own facilities.
unite結合する、団結するThe team united to achieve the common goal.
universal普遍的な、全体のThe new policy has universal support from employees.
unless~でない限りWe won’t finish the project unless we work overtime.
unlimited無制限のThe service offers unlimited access to resources.
update更新する、最新情報、アップデートPlease update the software to the latest version.
upgradeアップグレードする、向上させるThe system was upgraded to improve performance.
uphold支持する、維持するThe company upholds high standards of quality.
upon~の上に、~するとすぐにUpon arrival, please check in at the front desk.
upper上部の、上位のHe holds an upper management position.
upset動揺した、動揺させるThe unexpected news upset the team.
urgent緊急の、差し迫ったThis matter requires urgent attention.
usage使用法、使用量The app provides insights into data usage.
useful役に立つ、有用なThis guidebook is very useful for new employees.
user利用者、使用者User feedback is essential for improvement.
usualいつもの、通常のHe arrived at his usual time this morning.
utility公共料金、実用性The utility bills increased during the winter.


vacancy空き、空室、欠員There is a vacancy in the sales department.
vacation休暇She is currently on vacation.
valid有効な、妥当なThe ticket is valid for one month.
value価値、評価するThe customer values high-quality service.
variable変動する、変数The weather in this region is highly variable.
variation変化、変動There is a slight variation in the results.
variety多様性、種類The store offers a wide variety of products.
vary異なる、変わるThe prices vary depending on the season.
vast広大な、膨大なThe company has a vast network of suppliers.
venture冒険、リスクを伴う事業、思い切って行うThe company is planning a new business venture.
versionバージョン、型This is the latest version of the software.
versus~対、~に対してThe report compares online sales versus in-store sales.
vertical垂直の、縦のThe company expanded its vertical integration.
viable実行可能な、可能性のあるThe proposal is financially viable.
view見解、視界、見るHe expressed his view on the project.
virtual仮想の、実質的なThe company held a virtual meeting last week.
visible見える、明白なThe improvements are clearly visible.
visionビジョン、展望、視力The CEO shared his vision for the future.
visit訪問する、訪問I will visit the client’s office tomorrow.
vital極めて重要なGood communication is vital to teamwork.
volume容積、音量、量The store sells a large volume of products.
volunteerボランティア、自発的に申し出るShe volunteered to lead the project.
vote投票する、投票Employees voted to implement the new policy.


wage賃金、給与The company offers competitive wages to its employees.
wait待つ、待機するPlease wait until the manager is available.
walk歩く、散歩He walks to work every day.
warranty保証、保証書This product comes with a two-year warranty.
waste浪費、無駄、浪費するWe should avoid wasting time and resources.
watch見る、観察する、時計He watched the presentation carefully.
way方法、道、やり方There is no other way to solve this problem.
weakness弱点、欠点Identifying weaknesses is the first step to improvement.
wealth富、財産The country has a wealth of natural resources.
wear着る、身につける、すり減るEmployees are required to wear formal attire.
weather天気、天候The weather forecast predicts rain tomorrow.
websiteウェブサイトThe company updated its official website.
weekThe training program lasts for one week.
welcome歓迎する、歓迎We welcome your feedback on our services.
wellよく、うまくShe performed well during the interview.
whenever~する時はいつでもFeel free to contact me whenever you need help.
whereas~である一方でHe prefers tea, whereas she prefers coffee.
whether~かどうかWe need to decide whether to proceed or not.
whole全体の、すべてのThe whole team participated in the project.
wide広い、幅広いThe company offers a wide range of products.
widely広く、幅広くThe book is widely regarded as a classic.
willing喜んで~するShe is willing to take on additional responsibilities.
win勝つ、勝利The company won a major contract.
wind風、巻くThe strong wind caused delays in transportation.
withdraw引き出す、撤退するShe decided to withdraw her application.
within~以内でPlease complete the task within the deadline.
wonder驚く、不思議に思うI wonder if the meeting will start on time.
work働く、仕事The team is working on the new project.
workforce労働力、従業員The company is expanding its workforce.
workshopワークショップ、作業場The employees attended a workshop on leadership.
world世界The company operates in more than 50 countries around the world.
worry心配する、心配Don’t worry about the deadline; we will meet it.
worth価値がある、~に値するThis idea is worth considering.
write書く、記入するPlease write your name on the form.


X-rayX線、レントゲンThe hospital requires an X-ray for the diagnosis.
xenophobia外国人嫌い、排外主義Xenophobia can create barriers to global business.
xeroxコピー、コピー機Please xerox these documents for the meeting.
XML拡張マークアップ言語(データ形式)The system uses XML for data exchange.
x-axisX軸The graph shows data plotted on the x-axis.


year年、年間The project will be completed in two years.
yearly年1回の、毎年We conduct a yearly performance review.
yield生産する、産出する、収益The investment yielded high returns.
young若いThe company is hiring young and talented individuals.
youth若者、青春The youth of today are highly tech-savvy.
yetまだ、しかしThe team hasn’t finished the project yet.


zeroゼロ、無The profit margin was reduced to zero.
zone地域、ゾーンThis area is designated as a residential zone.
zoom急上昇する、ズームインするSales zoomed after the new product launch.
zeal熱意、熱中She approached the project with great zeal.
zest熱意、活力His zest for innovation inspired the team.

